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MySQL order by two columns and order results again

My table has two columns which I need to sort by:

content title

Only some rows have data in the content column but all have some in the title column. I need to sort these rows so that those with data in the content column are first. I can do this by:

ORDER BY content DESC, title ASC

However, those top rows returned because of their content column also need to be sorted alphabetically by their title (not by their content which I assume is happening).

Ideas? Thanks.


Should have noted that title is a VARCHAR and content is TEXT. So arbitary text. content column is empty if no content, not NULL.

So for example:

`title`     `content`
title a
title b      this has content
title c      so does this
title d

The order would be:

title c
title b
title a
title d
like image 565
Ashley Avatar asked Nov 17 '11 16:11


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1 Answers

If I understand what you need, try this:

SELECT * FROM your_table
    WHEN content IS NULL THEN 1
    ELSE 0
like image 176
Marco Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
