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MySQL or NoSQL? Recommended way of dealing with large amount of data

I have a database of which will be used by a large amount of users to store random long string (up to 100 characters). The table columns will be: userid, stringid and the actual long string.

So it will look pretty much like this:

enter image description here

Userid will be unique and stringid will be unique for each user.

The app is like a simple todo-list app, so each user will have an average amount of 50 todo's. I am using the stringid in order that users will be able to delete the specific task at any given time.

I assume this todo app could end up with 7 million tasks in 3 years time and that scares me of using MySQL.

So my question is if this is the actual recommended way of dealing with large amount of data with long string (every new task gets a new row)? and is MySQL is the right database solution to choose for this kind of projects ?

I have not experienced with large amount of data yet and I am trying to save myself for the far future.

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ClydeM Avatar asked Feb 18 '23 02:02


2 Answers

This is not a question of "large amounts" of data (mysql handles large amounts of data just fine and 2 mio rows isn't "large amounts" in any case).

MySql is a relational database. So if you have data that can be normalized, that is distributed among a number of tables that ensures every datapoint is saved only once then you should use MySql (or Maria, or any other relational database).

If you have schema-less data and speed is more important than consistency than you can/should use some NoSql database. Personally I don't see how a todo list would profit from NoSql (doesn't really matter in this case, but I guess as of now most programmig frameworks have better support for relational databases than for Nosql).

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Eike Pierstorff Avatar answered Feb 20 '23 00:02

Eike Pierstorff

This is a pretty straightforward relational use case. I wouldn't see a need for NoSQL here.

The table you present should work fine however, I personally would question the need for the compound primary key as you would present this. I would probably have a primary key on stringid only to enforce uniqueness across all records. Rather than a compound primary key across userid and stringid. I would then put a regular index on userid.

The reason for this is in case you just want to query by stringid only (i.e. for deletes or updates), you are not tied into always having to query across both field to leverage your index (or adding having to add individual indexes on stringid and userid to enable querying by each field, which means my space in memory and disk taken up by indexes).

As far as whether MySQL is the right solution, this would really be for you to determine. I would say that MySQL should have no problem handling tables with 2 million rows and 2 indexes on two integer id fields. This is assuming you have allocated enough memory to hold these indexes in memory. There is certainly a ton of information available on working with MySQL, so if you are just trying to learn, it would likely be a good choice.

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Mike Brant Avatar answered Feb 19 '23 22:02

Mike Brant