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MySQL optimization of huge table

I've been trying to get some speed improvements on a certain SELECT query. The situation is as follows: There is a (in my eyes) huge crossing table. It currently has about 20 million rows, but I expect this to grow alot. Based on this crossing table I need to create another table. To do so, I need to execute the following query:

SELECT hugeCrossingTable.field3, otherTable.field1, hugeCrossingTable.field2 * otherTable.field3 AS someName
FROM hugeCrossingTable 
INNER JOIN otherTable ON hugeCrossingTable.field1 = otherTable.field2

Now this currently results in about a million rows. I already have indexes on both the field1 in the 2 tables, but it still takes 18 minutes to finish.. I thought about splitting the table, but then I'd need to find a way on how to split the data, and since it's just a crossing table nothing comes to mind on how to do this.

Any ideas on how this can be optimized?


On request here's the create statement:

CREATE TABLE  `hugeCrossingTable` (
  `field` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `field1` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `field2` double(10,5) DEFAULT NULL,
  `field3` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
  KEY `field1` (`field1`)

CREATE TABLE  `otherTable` (
  `field` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `field1` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `field2` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `field3` decimal(5,2) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`field`)

And the explain output:

id, select_type, table              , type , possible_keys, key     , key_len, ref                , rows, Extra
1 , 'SIMPLE'   , 'otherTable'       , 'ALL', ''           , ''      , ''     , ''                 , 294 , ''
1 , 'SIMPLE'   , 'hugeCrossingTable', 'ref', 'field1'     , 'field1', '4'    , 'otherTable.field2', 69  , 'Using where'
like image 267
lordstyx Avatar asked Apr 05 '11 20:04


People also ask

How big is too big for a MySQL table?

You can't have more than 1000 columns. Your records can't be bigger than 8k each. These limits change depending on database engine.

1 Answers

Here are some innodb examples that work on large tables of approx. 60 to 500 million rows that demonstrate the advantages of a well designed innodb table and how best to use clustered indexes (only available with innodb)

MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one

60 million entries, select entries from a certain month. How to optimize database?

Rewriting mysql select to reduce time and writing tmp to disk

You will also want to read the following:



Once you've sorted out your table designs and optimised your innodb config:



You can try something like:

start transaction;

insert into target_table (x,y) select x,y from source_table order by x,y;


Hope this helps.

like image 81
Jon Black Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Jon Black