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MYSQL insert random from list




I would like to add a random value to a table. While I know how to add random integers within a range, I am currently stumped on how to add a randomly selected item from a list.

Let's say I have a MYSQL table for IM accounts. I would like to fill it with random data.

INSERT INTO `im` (`im`, `service`) SELECT LOWER(`last`), RANDOM-SELECTION-HERE FROM `contact`; 

What this query should do is add to the IM table the contact's last name with a random selection from an array I would give. For example, the array would be:

['AIM', 'ICQ', 'MSN', 'Yahoo', 'GTalk', 'Other'] 

So, I would like to add the users last name plus one of the random items from the array.

NOTE: I know this is fully possible with a programming language such as PHP, Perl, etc., but I am not trying to do that. Please try to provide a way to do this strictly with MYSQL.

like image 200
Ali Karbassi Avatar asked Aug 19 '09 18:08

Ali Karbassi

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1 Answers

INSERT INTO `im` (`im`, `service`) SELECT LOWER(`last`),     ELT(0.5 + RAND() * 6, 'AIM', 'ICQ', 'MSN', 'Yahoo', 'GTalk', 'Other') FROM `contact` 
like image 110
chaos Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
