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MySQL InnoDB hangs on waiting for table-level locks

I have a big production web-application (Glassfish 3.1 + MySQL 5.5). All tables are InnoDB. Once per several days application totally hangs. SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST shows many simple insert or update queries on different tables but all having status

Waiting for table level lock


update user<br>
set user.hasnewmessages = NAME_CONST('in_flag',_binary'\0' COLLATE 'binary')
where user.id = NAME_CONST('in_uid',66381)

insert into exchanges_itempacks
set packid = NAME_CONST('in_packId',332149), type = NAME_CONST('in_type',1), itemid = NAME_CONST('in_itemId',23710872)

Queries with the longest 'Time' are waiting for the table-level lock too. Please help to figure out why MySQL tries to get level lock and what can be locking all these tables. All articles about the InnoDB locking say this engine uses no table locking if you don't force it to do so.

My my.cnf has this:

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0
innodb_support_xa = 0
innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = 1

Binary log is off. I have no "LOCK TABLES" or other explicit locking commands at all. Transactions are READ_UNCOMMITED.

SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output: http://avatar-studio.ru:8080/ph/imonout.txt

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Andrey Avatar asked May 31 '11 10:05


People also ask

How do I stop a MySQL table from locking?

Third option to prevent table locks with MySQL database is to use AUTOCOMMIT on the database level. This will prevent table locks from occurring unintentionally during report execution since all the transactions are committed after they are executed without additional commit commands.

What is waiting for table metadata lock?

What does metadata lock wait mean? When there is an active transaction (explicit or implicit) on the table, MySQL does not allow writing of data to metadata. It does this to maintain metadata consistency in the table in a concurrent environment.

What causes MySQL locks?

The most common reason implicit locks are created is an INSERT operation: successfully inserted rows are not visible to other transactions until the inserting transaction commits, and it is a common situation that a single transaction inserts many rows, so it is cheaper to not create explicit locks for newly inserted ...

What is table level locking in MySQL?

Table-Level Locking. MySQL uses table-level locking for MyISAM , MEMORY , and MERGE tables, permitting only one session to update those tables at a time. This locking level makes these storage engines more suitable for read-only, read-mostly, or single-user applications.

3 Answers

Are you using MSQLDump to backup your database while it is still being accessed by your application? This could cause that behaviour.

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mogronalol Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11


I think there are some situations when MySQL does a full table lock (i.e. using auto-inc). I found a link which may help you: http://mysqldatabaseadministration.blogspot.com/2007/06/innodb-table-locks.html

Also review java persistence code having all con's commited/rollbacked and closed. (Closing always in finally block.)

Try setting innodb_table_locks=0 in MySQL configuration. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/innodb-parameters.html#sysvar_innodb_table_locks

Just a few ideas ...

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Fabian Barney Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11

Fabian Barney

I see you havily use NAME_CONST in your code. Just try not to use it. You know, mysql can be sometimes buggy (I also found several bugs), so I recommend don't rely on features which are not so common / well tested. It is related to column names, so maybe it locks something? Well it should't if it affects only the result, but who knows? This is suspicious. Moreover, this is marked as a function for internal use only.

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Tomas Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11
