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MySQL incrementing value

People also ask

Can we change auto increment value in MySQL?

In MySQL, the syntax to change the starting value for an AUTO_INCREMENT column using the ALTER TABLE statement is: ALTER TABLE table_name AUTO_INCREMENT = start_value; table_name. The name of the table whose AUTO_INCREMENT value you wish to change.

How do I set up auto increment?

If you're looking to add auto increment to an existing table by changing an existing int column to IDENTITY , SQL Server will fight you. You'll have to either: Add a new column all together with new your auto-incremented primary key, or. Drop your old int column and then add a new IDENTITY right after.

Can I auto increment two columns MySQL?

You can't have two auto-increment columns.

Yes: Use a user defined variable:

SET @position := 0; -- Define a variable
INSERT INTO products
SELECT id_product, id_category, name, (@position := @position + 1)
FROM db2.products
WHERE id_category = xxx;

The result of increment to @position is the value used for the insert.


You can skip the declaration of the variable by handling the initial value in-line:

SELECT ..., (@position := ifnull(@position, 0) + 1)

This can be particularly handy when executing the query using a driver that does not allow multiple commands (separated by semicolons).

You will need to ORDER BY id_category and use two user variables so you can track the previous category id -

SET @position := 0;
SET @prev_cat := 0;

INSERT INTO products
SELECT id_product, id_category, name, position
        IF(@prev_cat = id_category, @position := @position + 1, @position := 1) AS position,
        @prev_cat := id_category
    FROM db2.products
    ORDER BY id_category ASC, id_product ASC
) AS tmp;

This will allow you to do all categories in one query instead of category by category.

Purely to add to @Bohemians answer - I wanted the counter to reset every so often and this can be done like such:

SELECT *,(@position := IF (@position >= 15,1,@position + 1))

Where 15 is obviously the maximum number before reset.

Try setting a value using a subquery like this

 (SELECT MAX(position) FROM products AS T2)+1


(SELECT MAX(position) FROM products AS T2 WHERE id_category = 'product category')+1