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mysql group_concat in where



I am having a problem with the following query(if this is a duplicate question then i'm terribly sorry, but i can't seem to find anything yet that can help me):

SELECT d.*, GROUP_CONCAT(g.name ORDER BY g.name SEPARATOR ", ") AS members
FROM table_d AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN table_g AS g ON (d.eventid = g.id)
WHERE members LIKE '%p%';

MySQL apparently can't handle a comparison of GROUP_CONCAT columns in a WHERE clause. So my question is very simple. Is there a workaround for this, like using sub-query's or something similar? I really need this piece of code to work and there is not really any alternative to use other than handling this in the query itself.


I won't show the actual code as this might be confidential, I'll have to check with my peers. Anyway, I just wrote this code to give you an impression of how the statement looks like although I agree with you that it doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm going to check the answers below in a minute, i'll get back to you then. Again thnx for all the help already!


Tried using HAVING, but that only works when i'm not using GROUP BY. When I try it, it gives me a syntax error, but when I remove the GROUP BY the query works perfectly. The thing is, i need the GROUP BY otherwise the query would be meaningless to me.


Ok, so I made a stupid mistake and put HAVING before GROUP BY, which obviously doesn't work. Thanks for all the help, it works now!

like image 766
lugte098 Avatar asked Mar 08 '11 14:03


2 Answers

Use HAVING instead of WHERE.

... HAVING members LIKE '%peter%'

WHERE applies the filter before the GROUP_CONCAT is evaluated; HAVING applies it later.

Edit: I find your query a bit confusing. It looks like it's going to get only one row with all of your names in a single string -- unless there's nobody in your database named Peter, it which case the query will return nothing.

Perhaps HAVING isn't really what you need here...

like image 187
awm Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 04:11



WHERE g.name = 'peter'

instead. Since you're just doing a simple name lookup, there's no need to search the derived field - just match on the underlying original field.

like image 38
Marc B Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11

Marc B