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MySQL FullText Search with Sequelize

I want to implement MySQL full text search with sequelize. The version "sequelize": "^3.23.6". I tried to research about this but could not find =the documentation that guides how to implement this. Here is the link that says FullText is supported by sequelize: https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/2979

But there is not exact documentation on how to do it and how to do a full text search query with sequelize.

Any links advice would be helpful

Thanks !

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D Deshmane Avatar asked Aug 24 '16 12:08

D Deshmane

People also ask

Where is Sequelize?

Sequelize where option accepts an object describing the WHERE clause to add to your generated SQL query. For a WHERE clause with a simple condition, you can add a single property to the where object. The property name will be the column name and the property value will be the value you use to filter the query.

What is Sequelize literal?

The answer: by combining the attributes option of the finder methods (such as findAll ) with the sequelize. literal utility function, that allows you to directly insert arbitrary content into the query without any automatic escaping.

2 Answers

Since we now have the error message in recent Sequelize that looks like this:

Unhandled rejection Error: Support for literal replacements in the where object has been removed.

The solution would be to provide replacements manually

  where: Sequelize.literal('MATCH (SomeField) AGAINST (:name)'),
  replacements: {
    name: 'Alex'

Use arrays for more complex conditions:

  where: [
    { State: 'Paid' },
    Sequelize.literal('MATCH (SomeField) AGAINST (:name)')
  replacements: {
    name: 'Alex'
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Alex K Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10

Alex K

Sequelize doesn’t fully support the full-text search feature. We can add a FULLTEXT index as easy as any other index. But operators supporting the MATCH (column) AGAINST (value) syntax haven’t been implemented.

My current solution to the problem consists of creating a regular model:

module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
  const Book = sequelize.define('Book', {
    title: DataTypes.STRING,
    description: DataTypes.TEXT,
    isActive: DataTypes.BOOLEAN
  }, {
    indexes: [
      // add a FULLTEXT index
      { type: 'FULLTEXT', name: 'text_idx', fields: ['description'] }

  return Book;

And using a raw query for querying:

const against = 'more or less';

  where: ['isActive = 1 AND MATCH (description) AGAINST(?)', [against]]
}).then((result) => {

Using only MySQL it's not possible to get correct results if you trying to search for inflectional words, synonyms etc. MySQL developers consider adding dictionaries for full-text search (https://dev.mysql.com/worklog/task/?id=2428), but who knows when we will see it.

If you have to stick with MySQL, I suggest to take a look at Sphinx. It works properly with synonyms and inflectional words.

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Vladimir Ponomarev Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10

Vladimir Ponomarev