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MySQL - for every ID in the list select 2 last element




I have a table with a following schema:

id, field, time
3, 'test0', 2012-08-29
3, 'test1', 2012-08-30
3, 'test2', 2012-08-31
2, 'test0', 2012-08-19
2, 'test1', 2012-08-20
2, 'test2', 2012-08-26

I need for every id in the list find it's last and previous to last value. For example if the ids = [2,3] the result should return

3, 'test1', 2012-08-30
3, 'test2', 2012-08-31 
2, 'test1', 2012-08-20
2, 'test2', 2012-08-26

If i will need just last value, I would use

FROM table
WHERE id IN (2, 3)

Any ideas how I can achieve this?

like image 391
Salvador Dali Avatar asked Sep 01 '12 18:09

Salvador Dali

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The LAST() function returns the last value of the selected column.

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To select multiple columns from a table, simply separate the column names with commas! For example, this query selects two columns, name and birthdate , from the people table: SELECT name, birthdate FROM people; Sometimes, you may want to select all columns from a table.

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To select multiple values, you can use where clause with OR and IN operator.

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1 Answers

If your times for each id number are unique, this will work.

SELECT d.id, d.field,d.time
  FROM d d
  JOIN (
    SELECT max(d.time)m, d.id
      FROM d
      JOIN (
         SELECT max(time) m, id
           FROM d
       GROUP BY id
      )e ON d.id=e.id AND e.m>d.time
      GROUP BY d.id
   )e ON d.time >= e.m AND d.id = e.id

Here's how this works. This nested query gets the latest time for each id.

         SELECT max(time) m, id
           FROM d
       GROUP BY id

Then, in turn this gets nested into this query, which gives you the second-to-latest time for each id (the latest time of the subset of rows that exclude the very latest time).

    SELECT max(d.time)m, d.id
      FROM d
      JOIN (
         SELECT max(time) m, id
           FROM d
       GROUP BY id
      )e ON d.id=e.id AND e.m > d.time

Finally, the full query (shown first above) gets all the rows with times greater than or equal to the second latest time.

If your times aren't unique -- that is, you have some rows where the identical ID and time appear, you may get more than two rows for each ID. But you'll always get the two latest times.

If a particular ID only has one row, you won't get it.

Only you know if those limitations are acceptable.

Go fiddle! http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/82719/5/0

like image 52
O. Jones Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 01:10

O. Jones