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MySQL Error Code: 1030Got error -1 from storage engine; I've tried to delete data from my database

I have a database including some tables, when I want to delete data from tables which includes an "Auto Increment" field, using this query:

delete from test.table1 ;

I got this error:

 Error Code: 1030Got error -1 from storage engine

Why this happens? What should I do?

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rain Avatar asked Nov 01 '10 08:11


2 Answers

Try to change innodb_force_recovery value (in your /etc/my.cnf).

Error -1 says NOTHING. Without your tables creation code (SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name) can not say where exactly problem is.

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ksogor Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09


You also get this error, if your file system is full.

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ToBe_HH Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09