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MySQL Error 1215: Cannot add foreign key constraint

I am trying to forward engineer my new schema onto my database server, but I can't figure out why I am getting this error.

I've tried to search for the answer here, but everything I've found has said to either set the database engine to InnoDB or to make sure the keys I'm trying to use as a foreign key are primary keys in their own tables. I have done both of these things, if I'm not mistaken. What else can I do?

Executing SQL script in server  ERROR: Error 1215: Cannot add foreign key constraint  -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `Alternative_Pathways`.`Clients_has_Staff` -- ----------------------------------------------------- 
CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Alternative_Pathways`.`Clients_has_Staff` (   `Clients_Case_Number` INT NOT NULL ,   `Staff_Emp_ID` INT NOT NULL ,   PRIMARY KEY (`Clients_Case_Number`, `Staff_Emp_ID`) ,   INDEX `fk_Clients_has_Staff_Staff1_idx` (`Staff_Emp_ID` ASC) ,   INDEX `fk_Clients_has_Staff_Clients_idx` (`Clients_Case_Number` ASC) ,   CONSTRAINT `fk_Clients_has_Staff_Clients`     FOREIGN KEY (`Clients_Case_Number` )     REFERENCES `Alternative_Pathways`.`Clients` (`Case_Number` )     ON DELETE NO ACTION     ON UPDATE NO ACTION,   CONSTRAINT `fk_Clients_has_Staff_Staff1`     FOREIGN KEY (`Staff_Emp_ID` )     REFERENCES `Alternative_Pathways`.`Staff` (`Emp_ID` )     ON DELETE NO ACTION     ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB 

SQL script execution finished: statements: 7 succeeded, 1 failed

Here is the SQL for the parent tables.

CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Alternative_Pathways`.`Clients` (   `Case_Number` INT NOT NULL ,   `First_Name` CHAR(10) NULL ,   `Middle_Name` CHAR(10) NULL ,   `Last_Name` CHAR(10) NULL ,   `Address` CHAR(50) NULL ,   `Phone_Number` INT(10) NULL ,   PRIMARY KEY (`Case_Number`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB  CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Alternative_Pathways`.`Staff` (   `Emp_ID` INT NOT NULL ,   `First_Name` CHAR(10) NULL ,   `Middle_Name` CHAR(10) NULL ,   `Last_Name` CHAR(10) NULL ,   PRIMARY KEY (`Emp_ID`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB 
like image 865
Robert B Avatar asked Jun 06 '13 18:06

Robert B

People also ask

How do I fix error 1215 in MySQL?

How to fix: Modify the child table DDL so that it matches the character set and collation of the parent table/column (or ALTER the parent table to match the child's wanted definition.

Can not add foreign key constraint MySQL?

The usual cause are generally a mismatch in the type of the column of the primary table and the foreign table. It can also be a mismatch in the Engine type of two tables i.e. MyISAM or InnoDB. Datatype both columns should have same datatype. int(11) on one table and smallint(5) on another will cause problem.

What does Cannot add foreign key constraint mean?

Reasons you may get a foreign key constraint error: You are not using InnoDB as the engine on all tables. You are trying to reference a nonexistent key on the target table. Make sure it is a key on the other table (it can be a primary or unique key, or just a key )

How do I add a foreign key to an existing MySQL table?

Here's the syntax to create foreign key in MySQL. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name FOREIGN KEY (foreign_key_name,...) REFERENCES parent_table(column_name,...); In the above query, table_name is the the table where you want to add foreign key.

1 Answers

I'm guessing that Clients.Case_Number and/or Staff.Emp_ID are not exactly the same data type as Clients_has_Staff.Clients_Case_Number and Clients_has_Staff.Staff_Emp_ID.

Perhaps the columns in the parent tables are INT UNSIGNED?

They need to be exactly the same data type in both tables.

like image 99
Ike Walker Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09

Ike Walker