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MySQL ERROR 1005: Can't create table (errno: 150)

I am trying to create the following table

 create table messaInScena
    data               date,  
    ora                time,
    spazio             varchar(20),
    spettacolo         varchar(40),
    postiDisponibili   smallint,
    prezzoIntero       decimal(5,2),
    prezzoRidotto      decimal(5,2),
    prezzoStudenti     decimal(5,2),
    primary key (data, ora, spazio),
    foreign key (spazio) references spazio(nome) 
on update cascade on delete set null,
    foreign key (spettacolo) references spettacolo(titolo) 
on update cascade on delete set null,
    constraint RA3_1 check (postiDisponibili >= 0)     
  ) ;

but I get the following error: Error Code: 1005 Can not create table 'teatrosql.messainscena' (errno: 150)

The tables that are referenced by foreign keys are:

create table spazio
    nome             varchar(20) primary key, 
    indirizzo        varchar(40) not null,
    pianta           varchar(20),
    capienza         smallint

create table spettacolo
    titolo             varchar(40) primary key,  
    descrizione        LONGBLOB,
    annoProduzione     char(4)

I have already verified that the fk are unique and that there are no typos (but given a control also you that you never know :D). As you can see the reference fields are primary keys. between fields and fk reference types and dimensions coincide ..

where am I wrong??

the the other tables of DB

create table teatro
    nome             varchar(20) primary key, 
    telefono         varchar(15),
    fax              varchar(15),
    indirizzo        varchar(40) not null,  
    email            varchar(30),
    url              varchar(30)

create table biglietteria
    nome             varchar(20) primary key, 
    indirizzo        varchar(40) not null,
    email            varchar(30),
    telefono         varchar(15),  
    teatro           varchar(20),
    foreign key (teatro) references teatro(nome) 
    on update cascade on delete set null

create table orario
    biglietteria     varchar(20), 
    giorno           varchar(10), 
    inizio           time, 
    fine             time, 
    primary key(biglietteria, giorno, inizio),
    foreign key (biglietteria) references biglietteria(nome)
    on update cascade on delete cascade

create table notizia
    data        date,
    ora         time,
    oggetto     varchar(100),
    testo       LONGBLOB,
    primary key(data, ora, oggetto)

create table newsletter
    teatro      varchar(20),
    data        date,
    ora         time,
    oggetto     varchar(100),
    primary key(teatro, data, ora, oggetto),
    foreign key (teatro) references teatro(nome)on update cascade on delete cascade,
    foreign key (data, ora, oggetto) references notizia(data, ora, oggetto) on update cascade on delete cascade

create table dipendente
    cf                     char(16) primary key, 
    nome                   varchar(20) not null, 
    cognome                varchar(20) not null,
    dataDiNascita          date,
    luogoDiNascita         varchar(20), 
    residenza              varchar(30), 
    telefonoFisso          varchar(15), 
    telefonoMobile         varchar(15),  
    email                  varchar(30)

create table lavoro
    teatro              varchar(20), 
    dipendente          char(16),
    dataAssunzione      date,
    ruolo               varchar(5),
    cda                 boolean,
    primary key(teatro, dipendente),
    foreign key (teatro) references teatro(nome) on update cascade on delete cascade,
    foreign key (dipendente) references dipendente(cf) on update cascade on delete cascade,
    constraint RA1 check (
    cda = false or 
    (year(current_date) - year(dataAssunzione) > 10) or
    (year(current_date) - year(dataAssunzione) = 10 and 
       month(current_date) > month(dataAssunzione)) or
    (year(current_date) - year(dataAssunzione) = 10 and 
       month(current_date) = month(dataAssunzione) and
       day(current_date) >= day(dataAssunzione)) 
      check (ruolo in ('CA', 'POD', 'CUSRP', 'ACF'))

create table stipendio
    dipendente    char(16), 
    inizio        date, 
    importo       decimal(6,2),
    primary key(dipendente, inizio),
    foreign key (dipendente) references dipendente(cf) on update cascade on delete cascade
  ) ;

create table luogo
    teatro     varchar(20), 
    spazio     varchar(20),
    primary key(teatro, spazio),
    foreign key (teatro) references teatro(nome) on update cascade on delete cascade,
    foreign key (spazio) references spazio(nome) on update cascade on delete cascade
  ) ;
like image 328
user2610920 Avatar asked Jul 23 '13 14:07


People also ask

How do I fix error 1005 in MySQL?

To solve 'MySQL ERROR 1005: Can't create table (errno: 150)' you likely just have to ensure that your foreign key has the exact same type as the primary key. Hope it helps.

What is Errno 150 MySQL?

If these requirements are not satisfied, MySQL returns Error 1005 that refers to errno: 150 in the error message, which means that a foreign key constraint was not correctly formed. Altering a table returns an error (errno: 150) if a foreign key definition is incorrectly formed for the altered table.

Is foreign key indexed in MySQL?

MySQL requires that foreign key columns be indexed; if you create a table with a foreign key constraint but no index on a given column, an index is created. Information about foreign keys on InnoDB tables can also be found in the INNODB_FOREIGN and INNODB_FOREIGN_COLS tables, in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database.

What is foreign key w3schools?

A FOREIGN KEY is a field (or collection of fields) in one table, that refers to the PRIMARY KEY in another table. The table with the foreign key is called the child table, and the table with the primary key is called the referenced or parent table.

1 Answers

You can check the status of InnoDB (SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS) to determine the exact reason why the constraints are failing. The other option is to add the foreign key constraints after creating the table.

In your case, it appears that you're missing the engine type. The column types must also match. The primary key's on the referenced tables are most likely NOT NULL, and they are not so in messaInScena.

create table spazio
    nome             varchar(20) NOT NULL primary key, 
    indirizzo        varchar(40) not null,
    pianta           varchar(20),
    capienza         smallint
  ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

create table spettacolo
    titolo             varchar(40) NOT NULL primary key,  
    descrizione        LONGBLOB,
    annoProduzione     char(4)
  ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

create table messaInScena
    data               date,  
    ora                time,
    spazio             varchar(20) NOT NULL,
    spettacolo         varchar(40) NOT NULL,
    postiDisponibili   smallint,
    prezzoIntero       decimal(5,2),
    prezzoRidotto      decimal(5,2),
    prezzoStudenti     decimal(5,2),
    primary key (data, ora, spazio),
    foreign key (spazio) references spazio(nome) 
on update cascade on delete set null,
    foreign key (spettacolo) references spettacolo(titolo) 
on update cascade on delete set null,
    constraint RA3_1 check (postiDisponibili >= 0)     
  ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
like image 192
Kermit Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10
