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MySQL dual master replication -- is this scenario safe?

I currently have a MySQL dual master replication (A<->B) set up and everything seems to be running swimmingly. I drew on the basic ideas from here and here.

Server A is my web server (a VPS). User interaction with the application leads to updates to several fields in table X (which are replicated to server B). Server B is the heavy-lifter, where all the big calculations are done. A cron job on server B regularly adds rows to table X (which are replicated to server A).

So server A can update (but never add) rows, and server B can add rows. Server B can also update fields in X, but only after the user no longer has the ability to update that row.

What kinds of potential disasters can I expect with this scenario if I go to production with it? Or does this seem OK? I'm asking mostly because I'm ignorant about whether any simultaneous operation on the table (from either the A copy or the B copy) can cause problems or if it's just operations on the same row that get hairy.

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Jake Avatar asked Mar 14 '12 22:03


People also ask

Is MySQL good for replication?

Advantages of replication in MySQL include: Scale-out solutions - spreading the load among multiple replicas to improve performance. In this environment, all writes and updates must take place on the source server. Reads, however, may take place on one or more replicas.

Does MySQL support master master replication?

MySQL Master Master replication is a development of master-slave replication that addresses its major flaws. This method of replication requires two or more master nodes that can handle both read and write requests. Additionally, each of your masters can have several slave nodes.

Does MySQL support multi master replication?

Multi source replication is supported as of MariaDB 10.0 and MySQL 5.7 . Basically this means that a replica is allowed to replicate from multiple masters. To enable this, the replica should not have multiple masters writing to the same schema as this would lead to conflicts in the write set.

How do we avoid conflicts if we set up master master replication?

In the case of a single-master setup, conflicts are avoided by funneling all the writes sequentially. When there are multiple updates on the same field, the last write operation on the record will determine the final value. We can leverage this insight into devising solutions that apply to multi-master setup.

2 Answers

Dual master replication is messy if you attempt to write to the same database on both masters.

One of the biggest points of contention (and high blood pressure) is the use of autoincrement keys.

As long as you remember to set auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset, you can lookup any data you want and retrieve auto_incremented ids.

You just have to remember this rule: If you read an id from serverX, you must lookup needed data from serverX using the same id.

Here is one saving grace for using dual master replication.

Suppose you have

  • two databases (db1 and db2)
  • two DB servers (serverA and serverB)

If you impose the following restrictions

  • all writes of db1 to serverA
  • all writes of db2 to serverB

then you are not required to set auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset.

I hope my answer clarifies the good, the bad, and the ugly of using dual master replication.

  • Here is a pictorial example of 4 masters using auto increment settings
  • Nice article from Percona on this subject
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RolandoMySQLDBA Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10


Master-master replication can be very tricky, are you sure that this is the best solution for you ? Usually it is used for load-balancing purposes (e.g. round-robin connect to your db servers) and sometimes when you want to avoid the replication lag effect. A big known issue is the auto_increment problem which is supposedly solved using different offsets and increment value.

I think you should modify your configuration to simple master-slave by making A the master and B the slave, unless I am mistaken about the requirements of your system.

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georgepsarakis Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 05:10
