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MySQL direct INSERT INTO with WHERE clause

I tried googling for this issue but only find how to do it using two tables, as follows,

INSERT INTO tbl_member
SELECT Field1,Field2,Field3,... 
FROM temp_table
         FROM tbl_member 
         WHERE (temp_table.Field1=tbl_member.Field1 and

This worked for one scenario,But now my interest is to upload data directly from the program itself without using two tables. What i want is to upload the data which is not in the table. The sql i had in my head was like the following,

INSERT INTO tbl_member (SensorIdValue, DataTimeValue, DataInValue, IncompleteValue, SpiValue, InfoValue)
VALUES ('Sensor.org', '20121017150103', 'eth0','','','')
WHERE (SensorIdValue != 'Sensor.org'AND DataTimeValue != '20121017150103'AND DataInValue != 'eth0'AND IncompleteValue != ''AND SpiValue != ''AND InfoValue != '');

But it's wrong.. may i know the proper way of doing it please, Thank you very much :)

like image 545
Hasitha Shan Avatar asked Oct 18 '12 06:10

Hasitha Shan

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1 Answers

INSERT syntax cannot have WHERE clause. The only time you will find INSERT has WHERE clause is when you are using INSERT INTO...SELECT statement.

The first syntax is already correct.

like image 140
John Woo Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10

John Woo