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mysql date comparison with date_format


I googled and tried several ways to compare date but unfortunately didn't get the result as expected. I have current state of records like following:

        mysql> select date_format(date(starttime),'%d-%m-%Y') from data;                +-----------------------------------------+               | date_format(date(starttime),'%d-%m-%Y') |               +-----------------------------------------+               | 28-10-2012                              |               | 02-11-2012                              |               | 02-11-2012                              |               | 02-11-2012                              |               | 03-11-2012                              |               | 03-11-2012                              |               | 07-11-2012                              |               | 07-11-2012                              | 

I would like to compare date and therefore do like this:

        mysql> select date_format(date(starttime),'%d-%m-%Y') from data where date_format(date(starttime),'%d-%m-%y') >= '02-11-2012';                +-----------------------------------------+                | date_format(date(starttime),'%d-%m-%Y') |                +-----------------------------------------+                | 28-10-2012                              |                | 02-11-2012                              |                | 02-11-2012                              |                | 02-11-2012                              |                | 03-11-2012                              |                | 03-11-2012                              |                | 07-11-2012                              |                | 07-11-2012                              | 

I believe that the result should not include '28-10-2012'. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.

like image 817
Doni Andri Cahyono Avatar asked Nov 22 '12 07:11

Doni Andri Cahyono

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Can you compare dates in MySQL?

MySQL has the ability to compare two different dates written as a string expression. When you need to compare dates between a date column and an arbitrary date, you can use the DATE() function to extract the date part from your column and compare it with a string that represents your desired date.

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1 Answers

Your format is fundamentally not a sortable one to start with - you're comparing strings, and the string "28-10-2012" is greater than "02-11-2012".

Instead, you should be comparing dates as dates, and then only converting them into your target format for output.

Try this:

select date_format(date(starttime),'%d-%m-%Y') from data where date(starttime) >= date '2012-11-02'; 

(The input must always be in year-month-value form, as per the documentation.)

Note that if starttime is a DATETIME field, you might want to consider changing the query to avoid repeated conversion. (The optimizer may well be smart enough to avoid it, but it's worth checking.)

select date_format(date(starttime),'%d-%m-%Y') from data where starttime >= '2012-11-02 00:00:00'; 

(Note that it's unusual to format a date as d-m-Y to start with - it would be better to use y-M-d in general, being the ISO-8601 standard etc. However, the above code does what you asked for in the question.)

like image 122
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10

Jon Skeet