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MYSQL cursor loop, runs one extra round, why?

I'm looping through a cursor result set in a MYSQL stored procedure. I'm facing an issue which is that the loop always run thorough the last record twice. Here is my code,

DECLARE not_found_creadit INT DEFAULT 0;

SELECT customer_id, amount, status, user_type, employee, note FROM credit WHERE status = 'approved' AND customer_id = int_cust_id;
OPEN cur_credit;
  SET not_found_creadit = 0;
  credit_loop : LOOP 
      IF not_found_creadit THEN
        CLOSE cur_credit;
        LEAVE credit_loop;
      END IF;
      FETCH cur_credit INTO vc_customer, dec_amount, vc_status, vc_user_type, vc_emp, vc_note;
      SELECT vc_customer, dec_amount, vc_status, vc_user_type, vc_emp, vc_note;

Means if I have 3 records, loop runs 4 times, if it is 10 records loop runs 11 times, etc. Any idea whats happening here?

like image 564
Thanu Avatar asked Sep 06 '12 00:09


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Is looping possible using cursors?

The cursor FOR LOOP statement implicitly declares its loop index as a record variable of the row type that a specified cursor returns, and then opens a cursor. With each iteration, the cursor FOR LOOP statement fetches a row from the result set into the record.

When working with MySQL cursor What must you also declare?

When working with MySQL cursor, you must also declare a NOT FOUND handler to handle the situation when the cursor could not find any row. Because each time you call the FETCH statement, the cursor attempts to read the next row in the result set.

What are the different kind of loops available in MySQL?

The MySQL stored program language offers three types of loops : Simple loops using the LOOP and END LOOP clauses. Loops that continue while a condition is true, using the WHILE and END WHILE clauses. Loops that continue until a condition is true, using the REPEAT and UNTIL clauses.

1 Answers

The handler, which sets not_found_creadit = 1, is fired when the FETCH returns no rows, but you are checking its value before executing FETCH, so the main body of your loop will execute one extra time when the FETCH fails, then the loop loop exits at the start of the next iteration.

Rearrange your code to check the value of your variable immediately after the FETCH:

credit_loop : LOOP 
    FETCH cur_credit INTO vc_customer, dec_amount, vc_status, vc_user_type, vc_emp, vc_note;
    IF not_found_creadit THEN
        CLOSE cur_credit;
        LEAVE credit_loop;
    END IF;
    SELECT vc_customer, dec_amount, vc_status, vc_user_type, vc_emp, vc_note;

Also, consider correcting the spelling of your variable to not_found_credit

like image 105
Bohemian Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10
