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mysql count word in sql syntax [duplicate]



Lets have a simple query:

SELECT myfield
FROM   mytable
WHERE  criteria

The above query gives us 10 rows of results for example. The field myField is a text field.

My question is this: is it possible to alter the above query and get the total word count of the myField field?

Edited: By total word count I mean the total word count of all selected fields in query, in all rows


| sentence                     | Words |
| Hello World                  |     2 |
| Hello World                  |     2 |
| Mary had a little lamb       |     5 |
| Her fleece was white as snow |     6 |
| Everywhere that mary went    |     4 |
| Umm, sheep followed her      |     4 |
like image 458
andrew Avatar asked Aug 28 '12 10:08


People also ask

How can I count duplicate values in MySQL?

Find Duplicate Row values in One Column SELECT col, COUNT(col) FROM table_name GROUP BY col HAVING COUNT(col) > 1; In the above query, we do a GROUP BY for the column for which we want to check duplicates. We also use a COUNT() and HAVING clause to get the row counts for each group.

Does count count duplicates SQL?

SQL COUNT Distinct does not eliminate duplicate and NULL values from the result set.

How do I count words in MySQL?

To identify the number of words, we need to count the number of characters in a string and count the characters without the spaces and new lines. When we subtract the two, we get the word count. Let's look at an example. The query will return the number of words in each content row as wordcount .

1 Answers

Use the excellent function from this question by @otis in your query:

mysql> select * from test;
| id | sentence                     |
|  0 | Hello World                  |
|  1 | Hello World                  |
|  2 | Mary had a little lamb       |
|  3 | Her fleece was white as snow |
|  4 | Everywhere that mary went    |
|  5 | Umm, sheep followed her      |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT sentence, wordcount(sentence) as "Words" from test;
| sentence                     | Words |
| Hello World                  |     2 |
| Hello World                  |     2 |
| Mary had a little lamb       |     5 |
| Her fleece was white as snow |     6 |
| Everywhere that mary went    |     4 |
| Umm, sheep followed her      |     4 |
6 rows in set (0.02 sec)

To make the function work, you need to execute the declaration of the function in MySQL. It is just like executing any other query:

mysql> DELIMITER $$
mysql> CREATE FUNCTION wordcount(str TEXT)
            RETURNS INT
            NO SQL
         DECLARE wordCnt, idx, maxIdx INT DEFAULT 0;
         DECLARE currChar, prevChar BOOL DEFAULT 0;
         SET maxIdx=char_length(str);
         WHILE idx < maxIdx DO
             SET currChar=SUBSTRING(str, idx, 1) RLIKE '[[:alnum:]]';
             IF NOT prevChar AND currChar THEN
                 SET wordCnt=wordCnt+1;
             END IF;
             SET prevChar=currChar;
             SET idx=idx+1;
         END WHILE;
         RETURN wordCnt;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec)

mysql> DELIMITER ;
like image 86
Burhan Khalid Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 17:10

Burhan Khalid