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MySQL Count subquery

I have a database with 3 tables:

  • equities
  • stocksplits
  • dividends

There is a one to many relationship between equities and stocksplits, and between equities and dividends. For each equity I would like to show the number of stocksplits and dividends:

SELECT equities.Symbol, 
       (SELECT COUNT(*) 
          FROM stocksplits 
         WHERE stocksplits.EquityID = equities.InstrumentID) as `# Splits`,
       (SELECT COUNT(*) 
          FROM dividends 
         WHERE dividends.EquityID = equities.InstrumentID) as `# Dividends`
FROM equities

The query appears to run fine, though I suspect it is inefficient. How can it be refactored to be faster? No DBMS (SQL query via .net to MySQL server), assume indices exist on the primary ID of each table.

like image 764
Jimmy Avatar asked Jul 02 '12 16:07


People also ask

Can you use count in subquery?

No. If a subquery involves aggregates such as COUNT(*) or GROUP BY - and the aggregates are used as part of the qualification of the overall query - you don't, in general, have the syntax available to state it as a simple join.

What is count (*) in MySQL?

MySQL COUNT() Function The COUNT() function returns the number of records returned by a select query.

How do I count the number of queries in a selection?

SQL SELECT COUNT(*) function SQL SELECT statement can be used along with COUNT(*) function to count and display the data values. The COUNT(*) function represents the count of all rows present in the table (including the NULL and NON-NULL values).

How do I count a condition in SQL?

COUNT() with HAVINGThe HAVING clause with SQL COUNT() function can be used to set a condition with the select statement. The HAVING clause is used instead of WHERE clause with SQL COUNT() function.

2 Answers

Counting the PKs instead of * might already help:

SELECT equities.Symbol, 
           (SELECT COUNT(stocksplitsID) 
              FROM stocksplits 
             WHERE stocksplits.EquityID =     equity.InstrumentID) as `# Splits`,
           (SELECT COUNT(dividendsid) 
              FROM dividends 
             WHERE dividends.EquityID = equities.InstrumentID) as `# Dividends`
FROM equities
like image 178
Henrique Ordine Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Henrique Ordine

Here is your original query

SELECT equities.Symbol, 
       (SELECT COUNT(*) 
          FROM stocksplits 
         WHERE stocksplits.EquityID = equities.InstrumentID) as `# Splits`
FROM equities

I was just thinking that an LEFT JOIN would be cleaner

SELECT equities.Symbol,
    SUM(IF(IFNULL(stocksplits.EquityID,0)=0,0,1)) StockSplits,
    SUM(IF(IFNULL(dividends.EquityID  ,0)=0,0,1)) Dividends
    LEFT JOIN stocksplits ON equities.InstrumentID = stocksplits.EquityID
    LEFT JOIN dividends   ON equities.InstrumentID = dividends.EquityID
GROUP BY equities.Symbol;

The IFNULL covers any stock that had no stock splits

Give it a Try and see it it runs faster

Let me explain the expression SUM(IF(IFNULL(stocksplits.EquityID,0)=0,0,1))

  • IFNULL will turn a NULL into a 0 if the LEFT JOIN does not have a corresponding entry on the right-side table.
  • if LEFT JOIN had a right-side entry, IF function returns 1
  • if LEFT JOIN has no right-side entry, IF function return 0
  • SUM will add up all the ones and zeros, simulating a COUNT
like image 31
RolandoMySQLDBA Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09