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MySQL : Access denied for user ... using password : YES




Having recently reformatted my hard-drive, I cannot get my local Java/Tomcat/MySQL stack working.

This is a clean MySQL install, running on Mac OSX 10.7.3 (Lion).

The error I'm getting is when my tomcat instance starts up and tries to connect is:

SEVERE: Servlet /concorde-web threw load() exception
java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'concorde'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
    at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:1073)

Steps taken:

  • I've set concorde@localhost's password as described here and here
  • I can connect from the console using the same credentials. All of the following work:

    mysql -u concorde -h localhost -p
    mysql -u concorde -p
    mysql -u concorde -h localhost -D concorde -p
    // the app is trying to connect as user concorde to db concorde
  • I've ensured that the concorde user has rights - not just from localhost, but anywhere:

    GRANT ALL ON concorde.* TO 'concorde'@'%';

What am I missing?

Beyond that, what steps can I take to work out what's going on here? Are there any logs I can check?


As requested, here's the code I'm using.

However, this code worked fine before reformatting my hard-drive, so I'm doubtful that the problem lies within it.

The app is running in a spring container, and it's during Spring's startup that things are faling over.

Here are the relevant bean declarations:

<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="persistenceUnitName" value="spring-jpa" />
    <property name="jpaVendorAdapter">
        <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter">
            <property name="showSql" value="true" />
            <property name="generateDdl" value="false" />
            <property name="databasePlatform" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect" />

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
    <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
    <property name="url"
        value="jdbc:mysql://${database.host}:${database.port}/${database.name}" />
    <property name="username" value="${database.username}" />
    <property name="password" value="${database.password}" />
    <property name="initialSize" value="5" />
    <property name="maxActive" value="50" />

And, here are the defined properties:


Additionally here is the (abridged) output of a query on the permissions:

mysql> select * from information_schema.user_privileges;

| 'concorde'@'localhost'                 | def           | USAGE                   | NO           |
| ''@'localhost'                         | def           | USAGE                   | NO           |
| ''@'Marty-Pitts-MacBook-Pro.local'     | def           | USAGE                   | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'                         | def           | USAGE                   | NO           |

Note - this was run by logging on with root.

I suspect there's a clue in the NO shown there for my user, but I'm not sure how to interpret that data.

mysql> select * from information_schema.SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES;
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | SELECT                  | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | INSERT                  | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | UPDATE                  | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | DELETE                  | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | CREATE                  | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | DROP                    | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | REFERENCES              | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | INDEX                   | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | ALTER                   | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | LOCK TABLES             | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | EXECUTE                 | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | CREATE VIEW             | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | SHOW VIEW               | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | CREATE ROUTINE          | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | ALTER ROUTINE           | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | EVENT                   | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'localhost' | def           | concorde     | TRIGGER                 | YES          |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | SELECT                  | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | INSERT                  | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | UPDATE                  | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | DELETE                  | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | CREATE                  | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | DROP                    | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | REFERENCES              | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | INDEX                   | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | ALTER                   | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | LOCK TABLES             | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | EXECUTE                 | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | CREATE VIEW             | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | SHOW VIEW               | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | CREATE ROUTINE          | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | ALTER ROUTINE           | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | EVENT                   | NO           |
| 'concorde'@'%'         | def           | concorde     | TRIGGER                 | NO           |
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Marty Pitt Avatar asked Feb 16 '12 21:02

Marty Pitt

1 Answers

Since it appears that you can log in with the expected credentials from the command line, I'd be suspicious of whether your properties are being properly substituted into your 'dataSource' bean.

Try temporarily hard-coding all of the parameters for the dataSource bean. If that works, then your properties aren't being set.

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GreyBeardedGeek Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11
