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MyBatis does not resolve Inner class when parsing SQL Mapper Configuration handlers



Using MyBatis 3.2.8, I'm trying to map an enum type (Status) to the jdbc VARCHAR type (to can use only the enum in my entity bean). So I defined the TypeHandler UserStatusHandler

import com.sample.User.Status;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.EnumTypeHandler;

public class UserStatusHandler extends EnumTypeHandler<Status>
  public UserStatusHandler(Class<Status> type)

I correctly declared the handler in the xml config file and in the UserDao.xml (mapping the attribute Status to the VARCHAR in the resultMap ...) sample :

In the XML config file:
    <typeHandler handler="com.sample.dao.UserStatusHandler" javaType="com.sample.User.Status"/>

In the DAO mapper XML file:
<resultMap id="UserResultMap" type="User">
  <id property="id" column="ID" javaType="long"/>
  <result property="status" column="STATUS" typeHandler="com.sample.dao.UserStatusHandler" javaType="com.sample.User.Status"/>

But the problem incoming from MyBatis was that MyBatis cannot found my java enum class because it is defined inside another interface

public interface User
  public enum Status
    A, B, C

When I define this enum class in a separate file, it works with no problem, but I don't like to change my design (because of a limit ? ), I search to understand why MyBatis cannot found the class in this case ? Is it a way to fix this ?

MyBatis cannot build the SqlSession. While executing a simple test to find a User I get the following exception

Cause: org.apache.ibatis.builder.BuilderException: 
Error parsing SQL Mapper Configuration. Cause:  
org.apache.ibatis.builder.BuilderException: Error resolving class. 
Cause:     org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: Could not resolve type 
alias 'com.sample.User.Status'.  
Cause: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Cannot find class: 
like image 234
Jugu Avatar asked Mar 04 '15 13:03


People also ask

What is type handler in MyBatis?

typeHandlers. Whenever MyBatis sets a parameter on a PreparedStatement or retrieves a value from a ResultSet, a TypeHandler is used to retrieve the value in a means appropriate to the Java type.

What is resultMap in MyBatis?

The resultMap element is the most important and powerful element in MyBatis. It's what allows you to do away with 90% of the code that JDBC requires to retrieve data from ResultSet s, and in some cases allows you to do things that JDBC does not even support.

What is the difference between Ibatis and MyBatis?

It is the same thing, a persistence framework! But until June 2010, iBatis was under Apache license and since then, the framework founders decided to move it to Google Code and they renamed it to MyBatis. The framework is still the same though, it just has a different name now.

1 Answers

Finally I solved it by writing, in the XML configuration file, the name of the Inner enum like its associated compiled file name in the jar i.e. by adding a dollar $ between the enveloped and the inner class.


It appears a bug or a limit in MyBatis ..

like image 135
Jugu Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10
