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My regex is matching too much. How do I make it stop? [duplicate]



I have this gigantic ugly string:

J0000000: Transaction A0001401 started on 8/22/2008 9:49:29 AM J0000010: Project name: E:\foo.pf J0000011: Job name: MBiek Direct Mail Test J0000020: Document 1 - Completed successfully 

I'm trying to extract pieces from it using regex. In this case, I want to grab everything after Project Name up to the part where it says J0000011: (the 11 is going to be a different number every time).

Here's the regex I've been playing with:

Project name:\s+(.*)\s+J[0-9]{7}: 

The problem is that it doesn't stop until it hits the J0000020: at the end.

How do I make the regex stop at the first occurrence of J[0-9]{7}?

like image 963
Mark Biek Avatar asked Aug 22 '08 14:08

Mark Biek

People also ask

How do I stop regex greedy?

You make it non-greedy by using ". *?" When using the latter construct, the regex engine will, at every step it matches text into the "." attempt to match whatever make come after the ". *?" . This means that if for instance nothing comes after the ".

What does regex greedy mean?

The standard quantifiers in regular expressions are greedy, meaning they match as much as they can, only giving back as necessary to match the remainder of the regex. By using a lazy quantifier, the expression tries the minimal match first.

How do you match a full stop in regex?

would specify that 'a' is followed optionally by a 'b'. The full stop, or period, symbol matches any single character except a NEWLINE. matches zero or more occurrences of any character. This is a powerful regexp, which should be used with caution since it can match more characters than anticipated.

Can regex matches overlap?

You can use the new Python regex module, which supports overlapping matches.

1 Answers

Make .* non-greedy by adding '?' after it:

Project name:\s+(.*?)\s+J[0-9]{7}: 
like image 134
jj33 Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10
