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My java App Engine Managed VMs build doesn't deploy after 4/14/2015 update

My java App Engine Managed VMs build doesn't deploy any more using gcloud preview app deploy target/myapp-SNAPSHOT I get this: ERROR: Found no valid App Engine configuration files in directory

like image 249
Les Vogel - Google DevRel Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 10:02

Les Vogel - Google DevRel

1 Answers

The usage of gcloud preview app deploy changed in our gcloud 2015.04.14 release, you now have to specify the .yaml file for your module as well as --project projectID. The documentation should be updated shortly.

For Java, we've released an updated maven plugin. In your pom.xml, please add the following:

<plugin> <groupId>com.google.appengine</groupId> <artifactId>gcloud-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.9.57.v20150425</version> <configuration> <gcloud_project>XXX</gcloud_project> </configuration> </plugin>

mvn gcloud:deploy

Update to a specific version of the SDK

You have some version of the SDK, but you want to change to a specific non-latest version, add the property:

$ gcloud config set --scope=installation component_manager/fixed_sdk_version 0.9.55

Then run:

$ gcloud components update

Returning to the current version of the SDK

$ gcloud config unset --scope=installation component_manager/fixed_sdk_version

Then run:

$ gcloud components update

like image 156
Les Vogel - Google DevRel Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 05:02

Les Vogel - Google DevRel