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My iOS Simulator is missing Safari

Issue: Safari app missing in iOS Simulator

I installed Xcode 5.0a on my mini at work, and launched the iOS Simulator hoping test our mobile css. Much to my dismay, Safari was not on the homescreen. Rebooting the simulator did not help. Restarting xcode, and later my mini did nothing either. Even dragging a link (such as https://www.google.com) into the simulator would cause iOS to give an error, indicating that there was no https handler at all. After nearly an hour of googling, I could not find anything about the missing Safari app. In my desparation, I was looking up everything even remotely related.

So, how do I get Safari installed on the iOS Simulator?

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Terra Ashley Avatar asked Dec 06 '13 02:12

Terra Ashley

People also ask

How do you add a simulator to Safari?

E. In the Safari on your Mac, on the Safari menu bar, choose the "Develop" menu. Scroll to the iOS Simulator option.

Where do I find iOS simulator?

To launch a Simulator without running an app Do one of the following: Choose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator. Control-click the Xcode icon in the Dock, and from the shortcut menu, choose Open Developer Tool > Simulator.

How do I check Safari version on simulator?

This is how to open a different version: Open Simulator. File → Open Simulator → Select Version → Select Device.

1 Answers

Solution: "File -> Reset Content and Settings..." caused Safari to reappear.

... and then suddenly it was right there in front of me. I saw an answer by Sihua in a pretty unrelated question that proved to be the very thing I needed:

Did you try "File -> Reset Content and Settings ..." in the simulator ? [...]

After doing this, Safari appeared in the tray as normal after the simulator rebooted. It was back to normal. The clouds parted, the sky turned blue again, the birds started singing... the curse had been lifted!

I could get back to work. But first, I wanted to post this solution in case there are some other poor devils out there beset by the same frustrating issue.

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Terra Ashley Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Terra Ashley