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My ComboBox looks bad when its DrawMode isn't Normal

When ComboBox's DropDownStyle is DropDownList and DrawMode is Normal - it looks good, but when I change DrawMode to OwnerDrawFixed - it looks very bad (similar to TextBox with arrow to drop down). Is there any solution to make it look good when DrawMode isn't Normal?

looks like that: looks like that

I want it to look like that: I want it to look like that

like image 930
alcohol is evil Avatar asked Jun 12 '11 09:06

alcohol is evil

1 Answers

I found solution in VB here: how-to-make-a-custom-combobox-ownerdrawfixed-looks-3d-like-the-standard-combobo Added some code for drawing Text and Arrow. It works :)

class MyComboBox: ComboBox
    public MyComboBox()
        this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
        if (DroppedDown)
            ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(CreateGraphics(), new System.Drawing.Rectangle(ClientRectangle.X - 1, ClientRectangle.Y - 1, ClientRectangle.Width + 2, ClientRectangle.Height + 2), PushButtonState.Pressed);
            ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(CreateGraphics(), new System.Drawing.Rectangle(ClientRectangle.X - 1, ClientRectangle.Y - 1, ClientRectangle.Width + 2, ClientRectangle.Height + 2), PushButtonState.Normal);
        if (SelectedIndex != -1)
            Font font;
            if (SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("lol"))
                font = new Font(this.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
                font = new Font(this.Font, FontStyle.Regular);
            e.Graphics.DrawString(Text, font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 3, 3);
        if (DroppedDown)
            this.CreateGraphics().DrawImageUnscaled(new Bitmap("c:\\ArrowBlue.png"), ClientRectangle.Width - 13, ClientRectangle.Height - 12);
            this.CreateGraphics().DrawImageUnscaled(new Bitmap("c:\\ArrowGray.png"), ClientRectangle.Width - 13, ClientRectangle.Height - 12);

I don't know how to remove flicker when mouse is entering and leaving ComboBox. When DoubleBuffering is Enabled, ComboBox is black. But works fine for me.

like image 71
alcohol is evil Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

alcohol is evil