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Mvn compile before exec

I am trying to set up my POM such that when I do mvn exec:exec or mvn exec:java it will first compile the source and iff successful, execute it.

I have the following and have tried moving the <execution> part about but can't get it to work:


When I do either mvn exec:exec ... or mvn exec:java it doesn't first compile. I have tried putting the <execution> part in the exec plugin section but that didn't work either?

like image 454
Lerp Avatar asked Aug 21 '13 08:08


1 Answers

It's an old topic, but someone else might be interested in an alternative solution for this.

It's not exactly what you were looking for, but you can compile and execute using a single command:

mvn compile exec:exec

This way Maven will always compile the project before executing it.

like image 121
Gilberto Olimpio Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10

Gilberto Olimpio