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MVC3 - Passing data beyond the model to Partial view

Is there a way to pass a piece of extra data along with a model to a Partial view?


@Html.Partial("_SomeTable", (List<CustomTable>)ViewBag.Table);

Is what I have now. Can I add something else without changing my Model?

@Html.Partial("_SomeTable", (List<CustomTable>)ViewBag.Table, "TemporaryTable");

I see ViewDataDictionary as a param. I am not sure what this object does or if this meets my need.

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P.Brian.Mackey Avatar asked Aug 24 '11 14:08


People also ask

Can we use model in partial view?

Partial Views can use the Page Model for their data whereas Child Actions use independent data from the Controller. Editor/Display templates pass items from the model to the system but can be overridden by user partial views.

1 Answers

ViewDataDictionary can be used to replace the ViewData dictionary in the partial view... If you don't pass a ViewDataDictionary parameter then the parial's viewdata is the same as the parents.

An example of how to use it in the parent is:

@Html.Partial("_SomeTable", (List<CustomTable>)ViewBag.Table, new ViewDataDictionary {{ "Key", obj }}); 

Then within the partial you can access this obj as follows:

@{ var obj = ViewData["key"]; } 

A completely different approach woud be to use the Tuple class to group both the original model and extra data together as follows:

@Html.Partial("_SomeTable", Tuple.Create<List<CustomTable>, string>((List<CustomTable>)ViewBag.Table, "Extra data")); 

The model type for the partial would then be:

@model Tuple<List<CustomTable>, string> 

Model.Item1 gives the List object and Model.Item2 gives the string

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Martin Booth Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11

Martin Booth