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MVC - which methods should be in Model class except set/get members?

Should methods that manipulate the Model class members be implemented in the Model or in the Controller? Does it depend on how "heavy" this manipulation is ?

By "manipulation" I mean:

  1. get a class member

  2. make a long calculation based upon this class member

  3. return another value which relates to this class

For example, a Board class which hold a cell matrix member. Now I want to implement a method which returns all the surrounding cells according to specific cell location.

Is the model or view responsible to for implementing the above ?

If this question belongs to another Stack Exchange QA site I will welcome the recommendation to move my post to that site.

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URL87 Avatar asked Nov 25 '12 10:11


People also ask

Should model classes have methods?

Your model classes should be simple and only store the data you wish to model for your application. You should avoid having any complicated methods or business logic in your model classes.

What goes in the model in MVC?

An MVC model contains all of your application logic that is not contained in a view or a controller. The model should contain all of your application business logic, validation logic, and database access logic.

Can we use 2 models in a view?

You can use multiple models in a single view by creating a common model for all the models that are to be used in a single view. To achieve this, refer to the following steps. First, create a new model (common for all models) and refer all other models that are to be used in the same view.

Can model have methods C#?

A model should contain all logic related to the model (this is DSL) so, yes it can update itself each hour. and when u define auto properties, it's same as defining setters and getter, so of course you can add methods, and constructors as well. Save this answer.

1 Answers

Keep your controllers thin, don't let them do much, this aligns with the Single Responsibility Principle in SOLID for Object Oriented Design. If you have fat controllers, they become hard to test and maintain.

As for the models, I used to have dumb models before that did nothing but to map to database tables and that was inspired by most of the sample applications that you see on the web, but now I don't do that.

I (try to) follow the principles from Domain Driven Design, where models (entities in DDD terms) are at the center of the application, they are expected to encapsulate behaviour related to the entity, they are smart models (so yes, the logic related to an object will live with it in that case). DDD is a much bigger topic and it is not related directly to MVC, but the principles behind it helps you better design your applications, there is a lot of materials and sample apps available if you google DDD.

Additionally, Ruby On Rails community - which seems to inspire most of MVC frameworks - also seems to have a hype around having Fat Models and Skinny Controllers.

On top of that, you can add View Models to your mix which I find helpful. In this case, you can have a ViewModel to represent a dumb subset of your model(s) just to use for generating the view, it makes your life easier and further separate your Views from your Models so that they don't affect your design decisions unnecessarily.

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kabaros Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
