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MVC 5 @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/bootstrap") error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

_Layout.cshtml file fails when attempting to render the bootstrap 5 script bundle (works for earlier versions of bootstrap)

Bundle.Config File

_Layout Debugging

Scripts Folder

like image 717
Bentinio Avatar asked Jun 16 '21 19:06


People also ask

Is it possible to bundle Bootstrap 5 with a bundle?

I think there is a js format issue in new bootstrap.js or bootstrap.bundle.js which causes the parser crash. As @Manoj Salvi commented, Bootstrap 5 can be successfully bundled with: bundles.Add (new Bundle ("~/scripts/core").Include ("~/content/scripts/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"));

What are the bundle classes in MVC 5?

In the namespace System.web.Optimization, MVC 5 has the following bundle classes: The browser sends two distinct requests to load two different JavaScript files, MyJavaScriptFile-1.js and MyJavaScriptFile-2.js, in the figure above.

What is bundleconfig in ASP NET MVC?

In an ASP.NET MVC project, the BundleConfig class in the App Start folder can be used to generate style or script bundles. This method has a parameter bundle, which is of the type BundleCollection. At the start of the program, all of the bundles created are added to this bundle parameter.

How to create a bundle of JavaScript files using MVC framework?

Thus, you can create a bundle of JavaScript files using ScriptBundle. MVC framework invokes BundleConfig.RegisterBundle() method from the Application_Start event in Global.asax.cs file, so that it can add all the bundles into BundleCollection at the starting of an application.

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3 Answers

Try changing "new ScriptBundle" to "new Bundle" in your "RegisterBundles" within BundleConfig:

bundles.Add(new Bundle("~/bundles/bootstrap").Include("~/Scripts/bootstrap.js"));
like image 109
Manoj Salvi Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09

Manoj Salvi

I have the same issue after updating bootstrap to the latest (v5.0.2) via Nuget. I see an answer above about changing ScriptBundle to Bundle with minified js. It is not a real solution for this issue. Script bundling is used to minify scripts only on release mode. We need unminified version on debug mode for debugging. So if you are already using minified js, you do not need to add it to bundleconfig.

I tried bundling with both bootstrap.js and bootstrap.bundle.js and got the same exception at script render phase.

I trimmed very long stacktrace as below:

  Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseObjectLiteralProperty(Boolean isBindingPattern)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseObjectLiteral(Boolean isBindingPattern)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseLeftHandSideExpression(Boolean isMinus)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseUnaryExpression(Boolean& isLeftHandSideExpr, Boolean isMinus)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseExpressionList(JSToken terminator)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseMemberExpression(AstNode expression, List`1 newContexts)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseLeftHandSideExpression(Boolean isMinus)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseUnaryExpression(Boolean& isLeftHandSideExpr, Boolean isMinus)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseExpressionStatement(Boolean fSourceElement)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseStatement(Boolean fSourceElement, Boolean skipImportantComment)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseBlock()
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseArrowFunction(AstNode parameters)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseLeftHandSideExpression(Boolean isMinus)
   at Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.JSParser.ParseUnaryExpression(Boolean& isLeftHandSideExpr, Boolean isMinus)

I think there is a js format issue in new bootstrap.js or bootstrap.bundle.js which causes the parser crash.

like image 36
burcinsahin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09


As @Manoj Salvi commented, Bootstrap 5 can be successfully bundled with:

bundles.Add(new Bundle("~/scripts/core").Include("~/content/scripts/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"));
like image 43
quantum Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09
