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Mustache Template doesn't render inside table tbody


Why is that the same JSON object code generates the output with ul elements, but not with a table tag.

I have my Mustache template like:

<div id="template-ul">
        <li>{{name}} - {{age}}</li>

<div id="template-table">

Here is the javascript code:

var testing = {
    "name" : "student-collection",
    "students" : [
            "name" : "John",
            "age" : 23
            "name" : "Mary",
            "age" : 21

var divUl = document.getElementById("template-ul");
var divTable = document.getElementById("template-table");

divUl.innerHTML = Mustache.render(divUl.innerHTML, testing);
divTable.innerHTML = Mustache.render(divTable.innerHTML, testing);

Here is the code on jsFiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/pRSjH/2/