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multivalued attributes in databases

How should a relational database be designed to handle multi-valued attributes ?

edit: To elaborate:

There are two ways I could think of for doing this -

  1. Trying something like putting comma separated values in the field, which appears a bit clumsy.
  2. Create another table for the field and let the multiple values go to the field. This might lead to very large number of tables, if I have too many fields of this kind.

The question is:

  1. Are there any more ways of handling this?
  2. Which of the above two methods is generally used?

Thanks in advance

like image 910
Abhishek Yadav Avatar asked Nov 13 '08 18:11

Abhishek Yadav

1 Answers

In conventional relational database design, each row & column must store only one value.

Don't store comma-separated lists or anything wacky like that.

For example, say a sports team has seven members. You could do this:

  team_id      INT PRIMARY KEY,
  team_name    VARCHAR(50),
  team_members VARCHAR(200)
INSERT INTO team VALUES (1,'Dwarfs', 'Sleepy,Dopey,Sneezy,Happy,Grumpy,Doc,Bashful')

But it's better to do this:

  team_id      INT PRIMARY KEY,
  team_name    VARCHAR(50),
INSERT INTO team (team_name) VALUES ('Dwarfs');

CREATE TABLE team_members (
  team_id      INT,
  member_name  VARCHAR(20),
  FOREIGN KEY (team_id) REFERENCES team(team_id)
INSERT INTO team_members VALUES 
  (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 'Sleepy'),
  (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 'Dopey'),
  (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 'Sneezy'),
  (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 'Happy'),
  (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 'Grumpy'),
  (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 'Doc'),
  (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 'Bashful');

nb: LAST_INSERT_ID() is a MySQL function. Similar solutions are available in other brands of database.

like image 162
Bill Karwin Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10

Bill Karwin