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Multiselect two-column transfer widget with Twitter bootstrap theme

I am looking for a multi-select jquery based two-column transfer widget having a look and feel compatible with twitter bootstrap. Typically transfer select widgets have two adjacent columns where the user moves his selections from one column to the other in both directions. I've searched really hard but couldn't find anything remotely close to my needs. Can anybody suggest something (short of writing one from scratch). Thanks.

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Rabih Kodeih Avatar asked Jun 23 '12 00:06

Rabih Kodeih

2 Answers

I decided finally to write my own from scratch. The source code can be found here. The following screenshot illustrates the look and feel of the widget:

enter image description here

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Rabih Kodeih Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11

Rabih Kodeih

The widget that user698585 wrote is 99% of the way there, and is a great widget, but there are some bugs in it, namely:

  1. The widget causes the webpage to jump back to the top whenever you move values between the two columns. This is an issue if you have to scroll down to the widget.
  2. The widget doesn't support tag values with spaces or ampersands in them.
  3. There isn't an exposed method to initialize the right column with values from the left, so if you're using the widget to store selected values in a database, there isn't a way to initialize the widget with those selections when the user returns to the page later on.

I've notified the author of the issues and provided sample code fixes, but in the meantime, if you've run into these issues, you can find a fixed fork of the widget here.

Thanks, user698585 for all your hard work!

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Clinton Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11
