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multiprocessing Pool.map function issue

I have a function like below, which takes a list and a path :

def my_function(items_list,directory):
     return(resulting number  of analyzing items_list for example [a,b] using specific file for example 'c:\\path')

to do parallel computation, im using multiprocessing module as follow:

from multiprocessing import Pool
def test_func(objs):
 pool= Pool(8) 

if __name__=='__main__':

but it gives me the following error: TypeError: my_function() missing 1 required positional argument: 'directory'

I changed the objects list format several times but it keeps giving me the same error. does anybody know what the problem is? (im using python33 on windows 7)

like image 237
user3015703 Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 06:12


1 Answers

multiprocessing.map will not unpack the variables in your tuple. So myfunction is receiving one tuple argument, instead of a list and a string.

If you're using Python 3.3+ (which it appears you are), you can use starmap, which will expand the tuple:

 result = pool.starmap(my_function,objs)

If you're using Python 3.2 or lower, the easiest thing would be to make my_function take a single argument, and just expand the tuple in the body of the function:

def my_function(tup)
    items_list, directory = tup

If you can't change my_function, add a helper function that will do the unpacking for you:

def my_function_helper(tup):
    return my_function(*tup)
like image 154
dano Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 12:12
