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Multiprocess within flask app spinning up 2 processes

I am building a flask app and need some background processes to run. I decided to go with multiprocess, but it's producing two processes when running within Flask. Does anyone know why this would happen? I've tested it on OS X and Ubuntu 12.04, with the same results. Here is an example:

import time
import multiprocessing
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)
backProc = None

def testFun():
    while True:
        print('3 Seconds Later')

def root():

    return 'Started a background process with PID ' + str(backProc.pid) + " is running: " + str(backProc.is_alive())

def kill():
    return 'killed: ' + str(backProc.pid)

def kill_all():
    proc = multiprocessing.active_children()
    for p in proc:
    return 'killed all'

def active():
    proc = multiprocessing.active_children()
    arr = []
    for p in proc:

    return str(arr)

def start():
    global backProc
    backProc = multiprocessing.Process(target=testFun, args=(), daemon=True)
    return 'started: ' + str(backProc.pid)

if __name__ == '__main__':
like image 786
g_grillz Avatar asked Nov 25 '15 22:11


People also ask

Does Flask use multiple processes?

Modern web servers like Flask, Django, and Tornado are all able to handle multiple requests simultaneously. The concept of multitasking is actually very vague due to its various interpretations. You can perform multitasking using multiprocessing, multithreading, or asyncio.

Can WSGI handle multiple requests?

Yes, deploy your application on a different WSGI server, see the Flask deployment options documentation. The server component that comes with Flask is really only meant for when you are developing your application; even though it can be configured to handle concurrent requests with app.

How do you do a multiprocessing Flask?

Flask comes with a built-in development web server, but you shouldn't be using it in production. To get cool features like separate processes for each request and static file serving, you need to run an actual web service and a WSGI service in front of your Flask application.

What is multiprocess synchronization?

Synchronization between processes Multiprocessing is a package which supports spawning processes using an API. This package is used for both local and remote concurrencies. Using this module, programmer can use multiple processors on a given machine. It runs on Windows and UNIX os.

1 Answers

This is a problem with the Flask auto-reload feature, which is used during development to automatically restart the webserver when changes in code is detected, in order to serve up the new code without requiring a manual restart.

In the guide, the “app.run()” call is always placed within an “if __name__ == ‘__main__’” condition, since the reloader is set to on by default. When using multiprocessing, this condition will result in false, so you have to instead disable the Flask autoreload when using it in a function like so:

def startWebserver():
          app.run(debug=True, use_reloader=False)

Link for reference:


like image 60
stacklikemind Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 02:10
