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'×' multiplication symbol replaces &timestamp in URL




I have a problem with a link, which generates from GoCardless PHP library. I'm using WordPress and I've found that the file /wp-includes/formatting.php have a function "ent2ncr", which replaces "&times" with multiplication sign "&#215" and in some magical way, this function ( may be I'm wrong ) changes ...&timestamp=2017-08-24T12%3A26%3A34Z to ...×tamp=2017-08-24T12%3A26%3A34Z

I can't change a name of this parameter, because it is required by GoCarldess API.

P.S. I've tried to comment this line in formatting.php, but nothing changes.

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Cheslav Avatar asked Oct 17 '22 07:10


2 Answers

Whats happening is the &times part of &timestamp is being translated as x as a result you end up with xtamp

Try encoding the & in front of timestamp with &

edited: to say encoding not escaping

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Software.Developer Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10


I had ever meet a question with ×(&times) and then fixed below by use htmlentities

$str = $node->getAttribute('href');
echo $str;//output http://mp.weixin.qq.com/profile? 
echo htmlentities($str);

here is the output

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Specia_Lee Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10
