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Multiple X-Axes in Plotly

I'm currently trying to plot two different sets of data to create a visualization for the data we are processing.

Essentially, one set of data will be a cross-section of a river (width, depth).

Cross-Section Plot

The other set of data consists of water levels and the times those levels were recorded. (depth, time)

Water Level Data Plot

I'm currently plotting each in individual graphs, but need to make the plot overlay the water level data onto the cross-section data. This would require multiple X-Axes since the range is not the same. Is this possible in plotly? I've seen a video online of someone using Plotly's data editor, but haven't found much in terms of using their API.

Also, I know that one set of data is in meters, the other is in feet -- these data are being used as an example, the final result will both be displayed in feet.

like image 248
Chris Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 22:12


2 Answers

@emackey answer does not produce multiple x-axes. This is a working syntax that shows two different dataset on a same graph with one y axis and two x-axes.

var trace1 = {
      x: [1, 2, 3], 
      y: [40, 50, 60], 
      name: 'yaxis data', 
      type: 'scatter'

var trace2 = {
      x: [12, 13, 14], 
      y: [4, 5, 6], 
      name: 'yaxis2 data', 
      xaxis: 'x2', 
      type: 'scatter'

var data = [trace1, trace2];

var layout = {
      yaxis: {title: 'yaxis title'}, 
      xaxis2: {
            title: 'xaxis2 title', 
            titlefont: {color: 'rgb(148, 103, 189)'}, 
            tickfont: {color: 'rgb(148, 103, 189)'}, 
            overlaying: 'x', 
            side: 'top'

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);

This will produce the following graph.This link will help you for further documentation.

This will produce the following graph

like image 124
HesamDadafarin Avatar answered Jan 07 '23 19:01


This might be possible using subplots. Here's an example with a shared Y axis, and independent X axes.

var trace1 = {
  x: [1, 2, 3], 
  y: [4, 3, 2], 
  xaxis: 'x2',
  type: 'scatter',
  name: 'trace1'

var trace2 = {
  x: [200, 300, 400], 
  y: [2, 3, 4], 
  xaxis: 'x3',
  type: 'scatter',
  name: 'trace2'

var data = [trace1, trace2];

var layout = {
  xaxis2: {
    domain: [0.0, 0.45]
  xaxis3: {
    domain: [0.55, 1]

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);
like image 40
emackey Avatar answered Jan 07 '23 21:01
