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Multiple variable let in Kotlin



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How do you use let in Kotlin?

Kotlin let is a scoping function wherein the variables declared inside the expression cannot be used outside. An example demonstrating kotlin let function is given below. it keyword contains the copy of the property inside let . The last value from the let is returned as an argument as shown below.

How do you use Varargs in Kotlin?

Variable number of arguments (varargs)Only one parameter can be marked as vararg . If a vararg parameter is not the last one in the list, values for the subsequent parameters can be passed using named argument syntax, or, if the parameter has a function type, by passing a lambda outside the parentheses.

How do you make a pair in Kotlin?

To create a Pair object, call the class constructor Pair(first: A, second: B) . A and B in the constructor signature signify that you are not restricted to a particular type, and you can take advantage of Kotlin's generics features here, e.g. val rect = Pair<Int, Long>(90, 70000) .

Here are a few variations, depending on what style you will want to use, if you have everything of same or different types, and if the list unknown number of items...

Mixed types, all must not be null to calculate a new value

For mixed types you could build a series of functions for each parameter count that may look silly, but work nicely for mixed types:

inline fun <T1: Any, T2: Any, R: Any> safeLet(p1: T1?, p2: T2?, block: (T1, T2)->R?): R? {
    return if (p1 != null && p2 != null) block(p1, p2) else null
inline fun <T1: Any, T2: Any, T3: Any, R: Any> safeLet(p1: T1?, p2: T2?, p3: T3?, block: (T1, T2, T3)->R?): R? {
    return if (p1 != null && p2 != null && p3 != null) block(p1, p2, p3) else null
inline fun <T1: Any, T2: Any, T3: Any, T4: Any, R: Any> safeLet(p1: T1?, p2: T2?, p3: T3?, p4: T4?, block: (T1, T2, T3, T4)->R?): R? {
    return if (p1 != null && p2 != null && p3 != null && p4 != null) block(p1, p2, p3, p4) else null
inline fun <T1: Any, T2: Any, T3: Any, T4: Any, T5: Any, R: Any> safeLet(p1: T1?, p2: T2?, p3: T3?, p4: T4?, p5: T5?, block: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)->R?): R? {
    return if (p1 != null && p2 != null && p3 != null && p4 != null && p5 != null) block(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) else null
// ...keep going up to the parameter count you care about

Example usage:

val risk = safeLet(person.name, person.age) { name, age ->
  // do something

Execute block of code when list has no null items

Two flavours here, first to execute block of code when a list has all non null items, and second to do the same when a list has at least one not null item. Both cases pass a list of non null items to the block of code:


fun <T: Any, R: Any> Collection<T?>.whenAllNotNull(block: (List<T>)->R) {
    if (this.all { it != null }) {
        block(this.filterNotNull()) // or do unsafe cast to non null collectino

fun <T: Any, R: Any> Collection<T?>.whenAnyNotNull(block: (List<T>)->R) {
    if (this.any { it != null }) {

Example usage:

listOf("something", "else", "matters").whenAllNotNull {
    println(it.joinToString(" "))
} // output "something else matters"

listOf("something", null, "matters").whenAllNotNull {
    println(it.joinToString(" "))
} // no output

listOf("something", null, "matters").whenAnyNotNull {
    println(it.joinToString(" "))
} // output "something matters"

A slight change to have the function receive the list of items and do the same operations:

fun <T: Any, R: Any> whenAllNotNull(vararg options: T?, block: (List<T>)->R) {
    if (options.all { it != null }) {
        block(options.filterNotNull()) // or do unsafe cast to non null collection

fun <T: Any, R: Any> whenAnyNotNull(vararg options: T?, block: (List<T>)->R) {
    if (options.any { it != null }) {

Example usage:

whenAllNotNull("something", "else", "matters") {
    println(it.joinToString(" "))
} // output "something else matters"

These variations could be changed to have return values like let().

Use the first non-null item (Coalesce)

Similar to a SQL Coalesce function, return the first non null item. Two flavours of the function:

fun <T: Any> coalesce(vararg options: T?): T? = options.firstOrNull { it != null }
fun <T: Any> Collection<T?>.coalesce(): T? = this.firstOrNull { it != null }

Example usage:

coalesce(null, "something", null, "matters")?.let {
} // result is 9, length of "something"

listOf(null, "something", null, "matters").coalesce()?.let {
}  // result is 9, length of "something"

Other variations

...There are other variations, but with more of a specification this could be narrowed down.

If interested here are two of my functions for solving this.

inline fun <T: Any> guardLet(vararg elements: T?, closure: () -> Nothing): List<T> {
    return if (elements.all { it != null }) {
    } else {

inline fun <T: Any> ifLet(vararg elements: T?, closure: (List<T>) -> Unit) {
    if (elements.all { it != null }) {


// Will print
val (first, second, third) = guardLet("Hello", 3, Thing("Hello")) { return }

// Will return
val (first, second, third) = guardLet("Hello", null, Thing("Hello")) { return }

// Will print
ifLet("Hello", "A", 9) {
 (first, second, third) ->

// Won't print
ifLet("Hello", 9, null) {
 (first, second, third) ->

You can write your own function for that:

 fun <T, U, R> Pair<T?, U?>.biLet(body: (T, U) -> R): R? {
     val first = first
     val second = second
     if (first != null && second != null) {
         return body(first, second)
     return null

 (first to second).biLet { first, second -> 
      // body

I like the idea of using a list filtering the null values, I usually do something similar when I'm working with the same type, but when there are multiple types, to avoid the values parsed as Any, I just do something like this

fun someFunction() {
    val value1: String = this.value1 ?: return
    val value2: Int = this.value2 ?: return

It works and for me is important keep the type safety

You can create an arrayIfNoNulls function:

fun <T : Any> arrayIfNoNulls(vararg elements: T?): Array<T>? {
    if (null in elements) {
        return null
    return elements as Array<T>

You can then use it for a variable number of values with let:

fun example(first: String?, second: String?) {
    arrayIfNoNulls(first, second)?.let { (first, second) ->
        // Do something if each element is not null

If you already have an array you can create a takeIfNoNulls function (inspired by takeIf and requireNoNulls):

fun <T : Any> Array<T?>.takeIfNoNulls(): Array<T>? {
    if (null in this) {
        return null
    return this as Array<T>


array?.takeIfNoNulls()?.let { (first, second) ->
    // Do something if each element is not null