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Multiple simultaneous updates with MongoDB/PyMongo?

According to the PyMongo docs, update() can only update a single document at a time. Let's say I have 100 documents I want to update simultaneously. That's a lot of overhead. Is there a way to update multiple documents with a single MongoDB query through PyMongo?

like image 929
Trevor Burnham Avatar asked Jun 29 '10 21:06

Trevor Burnham

2 Answers

Actually, you can update multiple docs with the multi option:

collection.update(spec, doc, multi=True)

This updates all matches.

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kristina Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10


you can update multiple documents with different _id at a time by using bulk write feature available in mongodb 2.6 try this http://api.mongodb.org/python/current/examples/bulk.html

in precise you can use Ordered Bulk Write Operations which updates a bulk of records which are with different criteria.

view this for more details Best way to read and update mongodb documents using pymongo

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wudpecker Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10
