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multiple selections with datalist

I'm using the tag to create a list of suggestions for my search box, but I cannot select multiple values from the datalist. Currently, my HTML is:

<html>    <form action="search_tags.php" method="GET"/>    Search: <input type="text" multiple="multiple" name="search" list="tags" autocomplete="off" />    <datalist id="tags">     <option value="black">     <option value="gold">     <option value="grey">     <option value="pink">     <option value="turquoise">     <option value="red">     <option value="white">   </datalist>  </html> 

It will offer suggestions for one item, but after that the suggestions won't suggest an autocomplete for my second option. I thought that the 'multiple' tag was all I needed (and what is suggested online) but it doesn't seem to have the desired effect.

Any suggestions?

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nathan lachenmyer Avatar asked Jan 03 '13 22:01

nathan lachenmyer

People also ask

What can you achieve with HTML Datalist tag?

The <datalist> tag is used to provide autocomplete feature in the HTML files. It can be used with an input tag so that users can easily fill the data in the forms using select the data.

What is difference between select and Datalist?

Select input element presents options for the users from which they need to select one of them. On the otherhand, Datalist presents a list of suggested values to the associated input form (text) field and users are free to select one of those suggested values or type in their own value.

1 Answers

Multiple currently working only with input type="email" and only in Chrome and Opera

Look at this minimalist example:

<input type="email" list="emails" multiple> <datalist id="emails">     <option value="[email protected]">     <option value="[email protected]">     <option value="[email protected]">     <option value="[email protected]"> </datalist>  <br><br><br>  <input type="text" list="texts" multiple> <datalist id="texts">     <option value="black">     <option value="gold">     <option value="grey">     <option value="pink">     <option value="turquoise">     <option value="red">     <option value="white"> </datalist>

First input will be working, second NOT.

You only press comma, and list will appear as same as on click into input.

like image 80
iiic Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 22:09
