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Multiple scripts with requirejs

I have a problem with requirejs. Maybe I don't really get how it should be working, but for me it seems quite counterproductive that requirejs does not allow me to split up my code into different independent scripts. Since I am using Play and its template language to build up the structure of the page, I tried to insert different javascript logic into different parts of the page component-wise. For example: I have a main.scala.html which contains components that every page needs, alltogether with their js logic. When another page needs a navigation bar, I insert this together with the corresponding logic. So I have a main.js and a navigation.js. Since they are only dependent on Jquery mobile and not on each other, I wanted to load them with different tags. The second script never gets loaded so my intuition was that requirejs seems not to allow multiple data-main attributes on one page.

So my questions is: is it possible to have multiple independent scripts in one page using requirejs? And if not, why?

Thanks in advance

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Calardan Avatar asked Jun 13 '12 11:06


1 Answers

The idea is that you only have one data-main attribute that loads the main.js, then inside main.js you can conditionally load other scripts

if (something) {
  require(["this"], function(this) { ... });
} else {
  require(["that"], function(that) { ... });

See: http://requirejs.org/docs/start.html

Or have I misunderstood the question?

like image 191
Karl-Bjørnar Øie Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10

Karl-Bjørnar Øie