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Multiple Rails ORM

We have a Rails 3 application with a PostgreSQL database (with ~10 tables) mapped by activerecord. Everything's working fine.

However, we could also like to use:

  • a MongoDB database in order to store images (probably with mongoid gem).
  • a Neo4j database (probably with neo4j-rails gem) instead of PostgreSQL for some tables.

Using a database with one Rails ORM is simple, thanks to database.yml. But when there's more than one ORM, how can we process? Is there a good way to do so? For instance, ActiveHash (and ActiveYaml) can work well with ActiveRecord. I think there could be a possibility to let differents ORM working together. Thanks for any tips.

like image 765
T5i Avatar asked Jun 27 '12 16:06


People also ask

Does rails have an ORM?

In Ruby on Rails, ORM is: Database Independent - There is no need to write code in a particular database. Simply start a project using MySQL and change it to SQLite later on. Reduces Code - ORM provides the concept of abstraction, which means there's no need to repeat the same code again and again.

Does Ruby on Rails use ORM?

In the past, to build a web application you required the skills to code in your business logic. Rails is a Model-View-Controller web framework that uses an ORM in the form of ActiveRecord for the Model layer.

Is ActiveRecord an ORM?

Object Relational Mapping is a way to manage database data by "mapping" database tables to classes and instances of classes to rows in those tables. Active Record is just one of such ORMs, others include: Sequel.

How do I connect multiple databases in rails?

Rails 6.0 ships with all the rails tasks you need to use multiple databases in Rails. Running a command like bin/rails db:create will create both the primary and animals databases.

1 Answers

This really depends on the type of ORM. A great way to do this is by using inheritance. For example you can have multiple databases and adapters defined in your database.yml file. You can easily talk to these using the ActiveRecord establish_connection method.

# A typical Active record class
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base

# A new database connection
class NewConnection < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.abstract_class = true
  establish_connection "users_database"

# A new Active record class using the new connection
class User < NewConnection

The only down side here is that when you are connection to multiple active record databases migrations can get a little bit dicey.

Mixing ORM's

Mixing ORMS is easy. for example mongodb (with mongoid), simply dont inherit from active record and include the following in the model you want to use mongo:

class Vehicle
  include Mongoid::Document

  field :type
  field :name

  has_many :drivers
  belongs_to :account


ORMs built on top of active model play very nicely together. For example with mongoid you should be able to define relations to ActiveRecord models, this means you can not only have multiple databases but they can easy communicate via active model.

like image 119
Jason Waldrip Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 02:11

Jason Waldrip