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Multiple plotly plots on 1 page without subplot

I want to have multiple plotly plots on 1 html page without using the tools.make_subplots method. (I dont want to use that since I find that its not easy to read and I want a unique legend & layout in each of the subplot panels).

I want to define 2 figures with their own unique layouts, and arrange them arbitrarily on the page. I think I know how to do this with dash using the html.Div object, but I was wondering if there was an easy way to do this using only plotly?

like image 823
DankMasterDan Avatar asked Oct 19 '17 01:10


1 Answers

I encountered the very same problem and followed the solution posted here: Plotly: Plot multiple figures as subplots by Esostack

However, when I dumped the html of multiple figures into a single text file, I found the file size increasing by 5MB per figure that I add. 99.9% of this is caused by java script stuff that is added by plotly to make the plots interactive. Luckily, they also implemented a parameter to specify if you want to include the js or not. So you need to include it only for the first figure and skip it for the rest, like it is done in the following function. Hope that helps:

def figures_to_html(figs, filename):
    '''Saves a list of plotly figures in an html file.

    figs : list[plotly.graph_objects.Figure]
        List of plotly figures to be saved.

    filename : str
        File name to save in.

    import plotly.offline as pyo

    dashboard = open(filename, 'w')
    dashboard.write("<html><head></head><body>" + "\n")

    add_js = True
    for fig in figs:

        inner_html = pyo.plot(
            fig, include_plotlyjs=add_js, output_type='div'

        add_js = False

    dashboard.write("</body></html>" + "\n")
like image 199
ttekampe Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11
