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Multiple Output paths for a C# Project file

Can I use multiple output paths. like when i build my project, the exe should generate in two different paths. If so, How can I specify in Project Properties-> Build -> output path? I tried using , and ; but neither of those work.

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satya Avatar asked Nov 25 '09 09:11


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2 Answers

You have a section build events in your project's properties. You can use post-build eventsto copy your output to different locations. Just press 'Edit Post-build' and 'Macros', so that you can even use shortcuts to your output directory. For more informations have a look here.

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tanascius Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 07:09


No, you can't. But you can copy the exe file to another directory after the build. In the "project options"->"Build Events"->"Post-build event command line" you can add a copy command. There are several placeholder available (like the output dir). Just check the "Edit post-build" button.

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Jan-Patrick Ahnen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

Jan-Patrick Ahnen