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Multiple MouseHover events in a Control




I'm trying to implement a custom control in C# and I need to get events when the mouse is hovered. I know there is the MouseHover event but it only fires once. To get it to fire again I need to take the mouse of the control and enter it again.

Is there any way I can accomplish this?

like image 435
João Matos Avatar asked May 01 '09 02:05

João Matos

1 Answers

Let's define "stops moving" as "remains within an x pixel radius for n ms".

Subscribe to the MouseMove event and use a timer (set to n ms) to set your timeout. Each time the mouse moves, check against the tolerance. If it's outside your tolerance, reset the timer and record a new origin.


Point lastPoint;
const float tolerance = 5.0;

//you might want to replace this with event subscribe/unsubscribe instead
bool listening = false;

void OnMouseOver()
    lastpoint = Mouse.Location;
    listening = true; //listen to MouseMove events

void OnMouseLeave()
    listening = false; //stop listening

void OnMouseMove()
        if(Math.abs(Mouse.Location - lastPoint) > tolerance)
            //mouse moved beyond tolerance - reset timer
            lastPoint = Mouse.Location;

void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //mouse "stopped moving"
like image 172
lc. Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
