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Multiple Languages(English, French) on ASP.NET Page

I was just wondering what is the best way to handle multiple languages on a web page? Should I create an event in the load where I change the labels of all my controls to the approrpiate language text, or is there a better way? I am using .NET framework, thanks.

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Oliver S Avatar asked Jan 22 '09 18:01

Oliver S

2 Answers

For ASP.NET, use Resource files. This will let you provide multilingual functionality and you can add translations without needing to recompile.


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Chris Ballance Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Chris Ballance

You will want to look at the section of the MSDN documentation that deals with localization and globalization of ASP.NET apps:


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casperOne Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
