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Multiple key ranges as parameters to a CouchDB view



The underlying problem - let's say my documents have "categories" and timestamps. If I want all documents in the "foo" category that have a timestamp that's within the last two hours, it's simple:

function (doc) {
  emit([doc.category, doc.timestamp], null);

and then query as

GET server:5894/.../myview?startKey=[foo, |now - 2 hours|]&endkey=[foo, |now|]

the problem comes when I want something in categories foo or bar, within the last two hours. If I didn't care about time, I could just pull directly by key through the keys collection. unfortunately, I have no such option with ranges.

What I ended up doing in the meantime is rounding the timestamp to two-hour blocks, and then multiplexing the query out:

POST server:5894/.../myview
keys=[[foo, 0 hours], [foo, 2 hours], [bar, 0 hours], [bar, 2 hours]]

It works, but will get messy if I want to go back a large amount of time (in relationship to the blocksize).

Is there a way to send multiple startKey/endKey pairs to a view, akin to the keys: [] array that can be posted for keys?

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kolosy Avatar asked Sep 23 '09 21:09


3 Answers

There is a CouchDB issue request to let you do just that. I've attached a simple, no guarantees patch to 0.10.1 to that ticket which may work for you. It works for me and lets me do things like:

    "keys": [
            "startkey": ["0240286524","2010","03","01"],
            "endkey": ["0240286524","2010","03","07",{}]
            "startkey": ["0442257276","2010","03","01"],
            "endkey": ["0442257276","2010","03","07",{}]

in the POST body, which lets me get all the data across multiple tracking ids, for a range of dates. I call with group=true&group_level=1 to have the results grouped by tracking id. Deeper group levels would allow me to group by tracking id|year, tracking id|year|month etc.

Multiple connections were an unscalable overhead for me as I'd be looking to make 2000 concurrently :) (No, a new view is not an option - we're already at 400GB for data plus one view!)

The issue and patch is at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COUCHDB-523 .

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majelbstoat Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10


Your probably better off just doing two queries. CouchDB can handle multiple simultaneous queries pretty well so spin off several processes/threads and query for foo and bar docs seperately.

CouchDB does not currently support multiple range queries. ORing and ANDing keys is pretty much not doable in one query.

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Jeremy Wall Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 10:10

Jeremy Wall

This has been added in newer versions of CouchDB. To add multiple ranges of start/end keys, you can use a POST request to your view, with a body that looks something like this:

  "queries": [
    { "startkey": 10, "endkey": 11 },
    { "startkey": 16, "endkey": 18 }

I know it's an old question but I initially found it when I was looking for exactly this!

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Lorna Mitchell Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 10:10

Lorna Mitchell