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Multiple Instances of the Same Controller Simultaneously in Ember

Just been watching the Ember Peepcode video. One thing it has hammered home to me is that Controllers are singletons, so a single instance of each Controller is created at runtime and the controller's data property is swapped in/out as needed.

But what happens when you need multiple versions of the same controller on screen and active at the same time. What happens if I have multiple example.handlebars templates, each of which needs to be backed by its own version of ExampleController on screen simultaneously?

How does Ember handle this situation?

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Undistraction Avatar asked Mar 29 '13 14:03


1 Answers

There are several ways to handle that (mentioned in my previous answer).

Method 1:

{{render}} with a model (needs latest Ember.js build):

{{render "example" example1}}
{{render "example" example2}}

Method 2:

Update July 7 2014: {{control}} has been removed from Ember >= 1.0.

{{control}} (it is still buggy so avoid if you can)

{{control "example"}}

But first you need to enable the flag: ENV.EXPERIMENTAL_CONTROL_HELPER = true before loading ember.js file.

There's also a bug which you'll need to fix by doing:

App.register('controller:example', App.ExampleController, {singleton: false }

Method 3:

Using {{each}} with itemController.

{{#each controller itemController="example"}}
  {{view "example"}}

Each of these will create a new separate instance every time.

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Teddy Zeenny Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10

Teddy Zeenny