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Multiple file versions in git-lfs

I'm trying to estimate the storage requirements for my project on GitHub and have a few questions about how git-lfs stores multiple versions of files:

  • Are multiple versions of files stored by git-lfs?
  • If so, will every change to a file result in the complete file being replicated, or are only differences stored?
  • Will all versions count towards the quota on github?
  • Is there any way to control how many versions are kept?
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Andrzej Pronobis Avatar asked Mar 05 '17 05:03

Andrzej Pronobis

Video Answer

1 Answers

Answering your questions:

  1. Are multiple versions of files stored by git-lfs?

    Yes. All file versions are stored by git-lfs.

  2. If so, will every change to a file result in the complete file being replicated, or are only differences stored?

    Yes. Every little change results in a new complete file stored.

  3. Will all versions count towards the quota on github?

    Yes. Every time a new version is pushed, the total file size is counted against your quota.

  4. Is there any way to control how many versions are kept?

    No. Git LFS hasn't a feature to do that yet.

See more details here.

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Marcelo Ávila de Oliveira Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10

Marcelo Ávila de Oliveira