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Multiple file upload with Symfony2

I'm trying to upload multiple files via a form, but I can only upload one file at a time, the last one I mark in the browser. Is there a way to upload more images with Symfony2 using a simple form? Here is the twig template of the form I'm using to be able to mark more than one file:

{{ form_widget(form.post_image, { 'attr': {'multiple': 'multiple' }}) }} 
like image 913
Matyas Avatar asked Jul 18 '11 17:07


People also ask

How do I select multiple files using file upload control?

The FileUpload. AllowMultiple property in . NET 4.5 and higher will allow you the control to select multiple files.

1 Answers

Ok binding issue solved (enctype syntax error) : i'll give you the code i use. maybe it will help...

I have a Gallery Entity

class Gallery
    protected $id;
    protected $name;
    protected $description;
    private $urlName;
    public $files; // the array which will contain the array of Uploadedfiles

    // GETTERS & SETTERS ...

    public function getFiles() {
        return $this->files;
    public function setFiles(array $files) {
        $this->files = $files;

    public function __construct() {
        $files = array();

I have a form class that generate the form

class Create extends AbstractType {

    public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options) {

            "label" => "Name",
            "required" => TRUE,
            "label" => "Description",
            "required" => FALSE,
            "label" => "Fichiers",
            "required" => FALSE,
            "attr" => array(
                "accept" => "image/*",
                "multiple" => "multiple",

Now in the controller

class GalleryController extends Controller
    public function createAction() {
        $gallery = new Gallery();
        $form = $this->createForm(new Create(), $gallery);
        // Altering the input field name attribute
        $formView = $form->createView();
        $formView->getChild('files')->set('full_name', 'create[files][]');

        $request = $this->getRequest();
        if($request->getMethod() == "POST")

            // print "<pre>".print_r($gallery->getFiles(),1)."</pre>";
                // Do what you want with your files
                return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl("_gallery_overview"));

        return $this->render("GalleryBundle:Admin:create.html.twig", array("form" => $formView));

Hope this help...

NB: If someone know a better way to alter this f** name attribute, maybe in the FormView class or by declaring a new field type, feel free to show us your method...

like image 121
thierry Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10
