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Multiple file upload - with 'remove file' link

I'm trying to create a form where I can have multiple file upload sections, where the user can upload multiple files.

That part, is reasonably straight forward. My problem comes from allowing the user to 'remove' a file from the upload list, before it's uploaded.

I've created a fiddle to illustrate

I've got a simple row, that holds the <input type="file"

<div class="row files" id="files1">
    <h2>Files 1</h2>
    <span class="btn btn-default btn-file">
        Browse  <input type="file" name="files1" multiple />
    <br />
    <ul class="fileList"></ul>

then, so far, I've created a jquery plugin so it's re-usable:

$.fn.fileUploader = function (filesToUpload) {
    this.closest(".files").change(function (evt) {

        for (var i = 0; i < evt.target.files.length; i++) {
        var output = [];

        for (var i = 0, f; f = evt.target.files[i]; i++) {
            var removeLink = "<a href=\"#\" data-fileid=\"" + i + "\">Remove</a>";

            output.push("<li><strong>", escape(f.name), "</strong> - ",
                f.size, " bytes. &nbsp; &nbsp; ", removeLink, "</li> ");


I'm then initialising my very basic plugin like this:

var filesToUpload = [];


$("#uploadBtn").click(function (e) {
like image 474
Alex Avatar asked Feb 09 '23 16:02


1 Answers

As in this JSFiddle, I've added a class name .removeFile to the dynamically generated remove link; then use this class as a selector to pick up the one which is clicked and remove the parent li.



// add .removeFile class to the li's element to pick them by this selector
var removeLink = "<a class=\"removeFile\" href=\"#\" data-fileid=\"" + i + "\">Remove</a>";

        output.push("<li><strong>", escape(f.name), "</strong> - ",
            f.size, " bytes. &nbsp; &nbsp; ", removeLink, "</li> ");


var filesToUpload = [];

$(document).on("click",".removeFile", function(e){
    var fileName = $(this).parent().children("strong").text();

     // loop through the files array and check if the name of that file matches FileName
    // and get the index of the match
    for(i = 0; i < filesToUpload.length; ++ i){
        if(filesToUpload[i].name == fileName){
            //console.log("match at: " + i);
            // remove the one element at the index where we get a match
            filesToUpload.splice(i, 1);

    // remove the <li> element of the removed file from the page DOM

You can un-comment the console.log() statements to see the result

like image 195
Mi-Creativity Avatar answered Feb 11 '23 15:02
