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Multiple feature branches and continuous integration


I've been doing some reading about continuous integration recently and there is a scenario which could occur which I don't understand how to deal with appropriately.

We have a stable mainline/trunk branch and create branches for features. Each developer will keep their own feature branches up to date by merging from trunk into their branch on a regular basis. However it is entirely possible that two or more feature branches could be created and worked on over a period of several weeks or months. In this time many releases of the software could be deployed. This where my confusion arises.

It is very likely that changes for one feature branch will cause merge conflicts with other feature branches. CI suggests you should merge into trunk at least daily which would resolve the conflicts quickly. However, you may not want to merge the feature code into trunk because it may not be finished or you may not want that feature available in the next release. So, how do you deal with this scenario and still follow CI principles of daily code integration?

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Phil Hale Avatar asked Feb 09 '11 09:02

Phil Hale

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Following are some of the main features or practices for Continuous Integration. Maintain a single source repository − All source code is maintained in a single repository. This avoids having source code being scattered across multiple locations.

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1 Answers

There are no feature branches in proper CI. Use feature toggles instead.

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Aleš Roubíček Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09

Aleš Roubíček